Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Yariel Kearney


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"Listen, lad, oi just farm s'ite - s'ove off."
Voice Claim: James Kidd / Mary Read
Basic Information
Name: Yariel 'Mariah' Kearney
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Culture: Caprii-Influenced Sangrian
Social Class: Low // Working
Residence: N/A


"Oi got t'e build of a lad's fat'er - 'n' 'is admiration too."
Physical Information
Height: 5'5
Body Shape: Narrow Hourglass, Muscular

Hair: Long // Smooth
Color: Chocolate-Colored Brown
Style: Celtic knots braided in the back to keep the hair shorter about shoulder length.
Texture: Smooth and soft.
Eyes: Brown, Small
Skin Tone: Light brown with dark undertones

Color Scheme: Dark orange, dark blue, and reddish-orange.
Style: Practical
Accessories: Cormonile

"T'ey call me strong-'eaded. Oi tend to prove it wit' a good 'eadbutt, loike."

Alignment: Neutral Good
Overbearing -
Yariel has a maternal attitude towards all of her siblings and friends that she takes a bit too far. Believing she needs to protect and nourish every single one of them despite her shortcomings. This can tend to land her in situations she's not prepared for or being easily manipulated by relatives.
Headstrong -
The lass is incredibly confident in her abilities, far too much in fact. She assures herself she can hold up the world when the time comes, even if such feats are beyond mortal man. Though, it does allow her to be a more fierce warrior and worker, tending to not give up till the bitter end.
Dutiful -
Yariel tends to take her promises incredibly serious. Usually why she doesn't tend to make them to people, but if she were - you can generally expect them to be done no matter the climate. A broken promise is a heavy shame for a woman like Yariel.
Traditional -
While the lass is strong, hearty, and brave akin to her male counterpart - she still views the traditional role of woman respectfully. She tends to only denies weak suitors and seem independent in hopes of one day attracting a suitor she feels is befitting of her.
  • Duty-Bound Warriors: Yariel enjoys other fighters or combatants that also share her sense of duty in and out of combat. She tends to hang out around these type of people rather than others.
  • Dancing: A joyous activity and a chance to show off her grace, a favored activity for Yariel. While it may be something free-spirited or more patterned - dancing is an enjoyable time for Yariel no matter what.
  • Folklore: Yariel enjoys the songs and stories of yore. Even though she can not read nor write, she tends to easily memorize orally the folklore of a culture or people once she's heard them.
  • Dishonesty: If there's something Yariel can't stand - it's a lie. She has a short fuse for those that would hide things in the shadows when they should be put in the limelight. Even if the truth may hurt from time to time, she'd rather feel that pain than the latter of finding out a lie.
  • Over-Drinking: Yariel enjoys drinking like her father, but has a hatred for his over-indulgence. Tending to berate him for drinking far past his limit. She gives the same scorn to any around her who easily drink themselves into a headache.
  • Nobility: Nothing she'd let control her actions, but she dislikes them quite deeply. Yariel had to deal with them in the lesser regions, and feels most of the nobility in general lack a sense of duty and justice in their codes.
Classic Tsundere

"Oi can swing a sword, plant a crop, drink a beer - t'at's all t'e skill ye need, lad!"
Skill Information
Manual Labor -
Yariel actually knows how to cook rather well due to her time maneuvering from tavern to tavern in her younger years. She's even well versed in methods of cleaning even large rooms due to the labor. This life of medial labor raised her to be tough and strong, independence in its own way.
Education: Basic farmhand.
Languages: Common, Fae.

Farming -
Swordsmanship -
House Labor -
Brewing -

"Ye know - oi nay know 'alf moi family. Naus'e needs to keep 'is legs s'ut, loike"
Marital Status
: Unwed
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Mehdi Czekeres [ BIOLOGICAL FATHER ]
Mariah Czekeres [ BIOLOGICAL MOTHER ]
Naushe Kearney [ STEP-FATHER ]
Gilligan Kearney
Mackenzie Kearney
Phillip Kearney [ DECEASED ]
Tullion Kearney
Spouse // Partner:
Rivals // Enemies:

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