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Ylva - That "Interesting" girl.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
This update? I like it, but its missing one.. Paint played character..


Lord of Altera
Status of Ylva and Carolus (Due to Carolus not having a character sheet yet): Both perfectly fine, living their lives with their family (Lucius and Wulfe) Out in their house. No stress!


Lord of Altera
Update: Appearance: Ylva is a fair women, with the appearance, she may of been a farm girl at some point - yet transformed into a beautiful noble princess. - She wears fancier clothing than usual, red with black coloring. On her hip a sword to show warning she is armed. Her hair is a misty black, like the dark shy, and her eyes green and her head a round shape. She has high black leather boots, with a metal tip to her boots. Adding to this she has black pants and shirt with red capping. She also wears a necklace of two rings (Narali's and Morna's.) A silver and gold.

Update: Current Home: Vallee De Mai


~Vallee De Mai~

Since Vallee De Mai was created. Ylva and Lucius have kept their occupations on
their work there. They've worked endless hours, constructing and working
farms on the homestead. It's become a peaceful village for their family working
endless hours to keep them healthy to have a future for their daughter and son.

Soon after, their friends began to arrive at the homstead, soon turning it into
a small village of 7-9 soon to be 11 almost. They are still hard at work and
will continue to work and enlarge the village to be a bigger home for
families and friends. But as it is kept a secret from the rest of Altera only
the few selected are granted to know. Some stumble upon this peaceful home -
gazing upon it's peacefulness and beauty, wheat blowing in the wind as
they walk past fences of growing plants that soon will be brought out to
be made out of food.


Lord of Altera

-|Combat skills|-
Swordsman ship: Ylva's is fairly familiar with the set of skills, considered to be better than most girls in Altera due to her fighting attitude and self confidence in herself. She is able to take down even a knight in a spar, to tricking them or flat out winning. She is no best, but she better than most.

Archery: Ylva is no best, she is probably worse than others. Her archery skill is below average, as she never intended on using a bow ever. But she was taught some basics to use it. If someone was up close, she'd hit. If far, she'd miss.

Trainer-ship: Ylva was an okay trainer, not the best. But she knew her exercises and body-movements. She was also put in charge on the spot, because she had the ideal mind of a trainer and was considered a scout master.

Hand-To-Hand: When it comes down to it. She uses her body and strength, due to her training in armor. She'd likely be wearing plated armor in fights more than not wearing it. Due to plate taking more hits, she is able to bash, and shove harder. - If she isn't, she'll likely think better on how she'll react to hits. Again, she is no pro in this.

General Acrobatics: Ylva used to train daily outside her old home in Azerport, flipping backwards, or jumping and doing a 360 turn to catch herself on a ladder. But due to that long period, she has not trained further, so will be sloppy.

Chopping/Cooking: As a mom, she has learned over the period of time how to cook. Due to at a young age at her families farm, she learned to cook, but only simpler things. After the time, Ylva's experimented on foods, and cooked fabulous over the years for her children and husband.

Farming/Gardening: As a farm-girl, this came naturally on her family's farm. As she was forced to learn these traits for life. Now, she lives on a farm with her children and husband, tending over more than seven farms of different foods.

-|People skills|-
The mother skill: Ylva has always been a mom, even when being not a mom. She was a mother to others. She took care of people, and always will. Even when given birth to two beautiful children. She was still took in others, given them a home. Even made them a family member to her own family. Her generosity is beyond belief.
People Person: Ylva is friendly to all, no matter who the person is. She will be kind, and honest. To those she isn't very fond of, she will keep her distant, or mock them in the most friendliest of ways. Not wanting to cause harm, that they've already done. She is a caring person to others, and will help anyone in need. Sparing time for even the simplest of things.

Maintaining Relationships: It's easy for Ylva as she is a kind, loving person to people who deserve it. Even the ones who don't. She gives more than enough chances for others to change if they've done wrong, even willing to help change them even if they aren't willing to.

Reading and Writing: Ylva came accustomed to reading and writing, learning it from her mother. As Ylva kept a journal on her to record moments in her life.

Nobility: She became accustomed to Nobility, because of her husband. She always disregarded them, wanting nothing to do with them. But she was brought into it, now liking it and it's life style. Seeing it with her own eyes, she is now a princess of Lavoyard.

Surgeon skills: Ylva is familiar to these skills, due to watching others and being taught to. She is not frigidity with a knife, quite calm due to her confidence in the field with swords. She is careful and swift, stitching a wound smoothly yet efficiently.

Medical/medicine: Ylva is not familiar with the set of medicine, only knowing what its use for from watching others, or being told how to use it. She is fairly skilled in surgical insurgents. Helping others push bones back into place, healing sprained wrists. She was taught fairly well from others (ICly.) Over several months of this, she considered herself a doctor to others.

-|Physical self|-
General strength: Ylva over the years trained and farm, having that farm girl look to her. Over those years, she's become quite a muscular mom/wife/women over these past years. But nothing out of the ordinary to damage her beautiful looks. She is strong, but not as strong as a bigger man.

Stamina: Ylva's got wonderful stamina, but due to pregnancy - it has slowed her down. She's been working hard to regain her once known stamina that made her fast. But other than that. She is average to others in speed.

Flexibility: Ylva's got a lot of flexibility, due to her using only daggers in her few years. She had to maneuver around swords, curving her body, or bending back and or flipping over. It gotten harder since she had kids.

Climbing: Ylva's has had her fair climbing. But it is not an easy climb as some would think. She has lots of catching up to do. But as always, her climbing is average, no pro at it.

Hunting: Ylva knows the concept of it, and the basics. If she was to hunt, it would be with a crossbow, other than that. The bow would be her choice or a spear. She is no pro in this skill, but she does have a mind on how things work.

Perception: Ylva keeps an open mind, thinking of all advantage points there is. She is wary, but also calm and collective to situations. Her eyes constantly shifting, herself turning and randomly turning to gaze upon her surroundings.

Stealth: Ylva is no pro in this skill. She is quiet, but only due to her leather boots and slow moments. There is no doubt someone could hear her.

My inspiration to do this, was : @Michcat


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
The line about "Okay Trainer" I disagree! YLVA IS A WONDERFUL TRAINER!!! D: