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Your favourite characters in Altera!


Lord of Altera
I saw the quote thread, and I thought of this. Which characters (Played by other players) are your favourite, and why?

Bronn(Benijim): The impact of Lemnith being the Queen with the realization that it could of been him.
Sheila(christimas): Her child like nature in this society and how she is evolving.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Definitely either @Ced, @Deash12, @blargtheawesome, @Goldengem25, @fhamersley, @xxxLouisRulesxxx and @Arken @Faelin

Ced is just a character that makes me go "Yesssssssssssssssssss" everytime something happens revolving around him, since I first joined he was a character I aspired to be like. That was until I realized RP is far more fun doing my own thing than trying to be like another. Nonetheless, I still freaking love him and.. yeah.

Dayter is just a character I love, partly because it led me to have such a great friendship with the player, Deash. The other half is constant 10/10 RP's.

Nwalme. Damn, where to start. I wouldn't be doing half the stuff nor would I know half the stuff I do without Nwalme inadvertently forcing me to evolve as a person and as an RPer.

2mani2list. Mirror of what I have said about Nwalme. My love for RP and Altera stems from two people. Blarg and Goldengem, all of which is done through RP.

Fham bbi. Cannot put into words how much I love all of her characters, constant amazing RP's and funtimes IC.

Arvellon. Elrohir and Arvellon were the broest of bros, thusly generating constant amazing RP and fun times to be around.

Gelly. Too many hours were wasted enjoyed running around the far reaches of Altera trying to escape Gelyk.

Freya. Damn damning damned Jarl confusing the balls out of Light made me laugh too much.

Will continually update as my homework memory fades and RP memory comes back.



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. Honestly? Anyone willing to spend hours on end, years, doing everything from crying to laughing hysterically at the pixels on their screen doing stuff in a made-up world. This counts fer character too.

.. in other words screw you all i'm my favorite person, hah. (Kidding.)


Lord of Altera
@blargtheawesome With Nwalme and Basil, both characters hilariously entertaining to RP with.
@Rygan With pretty much any character he seems to pull out of his ass. They're destined to be manhandled by Rex or be friendly rivals.

Other than that, it is a bit difficult to conceive much of a longer list. Rex used to simply kill those he had conflicting views with, and thus did not really establish many long term relationships...


Lord of Altera
Also please remove the exclamation mark in the title... when I get an alert I see an exclamation mark followed by a period which is about to incite me into punching my screen.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I saw the quote thread, and I thought of this. Which characters (Played by other players) are your favourite, and why?

Bronn(Benijim): The impact of Lemnith being the Queen with the realization that it could of been him.
Sheila(christimas): Her child like nature in this society and how she is evolving.
Yeah, I missed out on being Queen :(


Lord of Altera
Doctor Josef Mandovi played by @Squidziod has always been an awesome character to me. Not many people get to rp with him do to Mandovi's reserved nature, but you should certainly strike up a conversation with him if you see him in Port Silver, fantastic character.


@bettemus99 LUNA AAAAAAAAAH. ;-;
@LilyFlorin Holy god the memories-
@SallyPirate I miss Sally so much- Scar and her could've been best brooooos. But every RP was still great.
@Baron Vorar. Giving The Hell Hound a nemesis to worry about. Great at playing Vorar.
@Estes241 Albiorix gave me shivers. In a good way. Awesome character.
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Lord of Altera
Favourite character so far- it would be a hard choice but you Rp with Amaryllis, much happy
You helped Fhris weeeee, I MISSED YOU SO BAD YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

I swear every single one of your characters are amazeballs- I wish I RP'd with them all because Lathan meant so much to just 2 of mine and I think all your characters are just HRNGGG, so awesome. Best.