Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Zara Nixe Scarse - The Water-Blessed Halfbreed (WIP)


Lord of Altera
Name:Zara Nixie Scarse
Nickname/Alias: Little Flower
Age: Three
Race: Human
Height: 95 cm
Weight: 24 lbs
Hair: Long blond hair
Eyes: Sea Blue
Skin: Pale
Weaknesses and fears:
Religion and cults: She is too young to worship anything yet
Background: Zara Nixie Scarse is a three-year old, water-blessed halfbreed. Her father is Orman Oceana, uncle to Itzza, Nimue, and Abbey Oceana, whilst her mother is a typical human named Ava Darcy Scarse. Sadly once her father, Orman, found out her mother, Ava, was pregnant, he abandoned them, for he felt ashamed for betraying his sister and queen. Ava was devasted, and once she bore the beautiful blonde baby girl, she couldn’t bare the reminder of her recent lover. Ava wrapped up her small little blue-eyed baby and left her on the door of a recently widowed elf. The elf’s name was Eldalote Helyanwë. Elda, the name she wanted to be called, raised Zara until her third birthday. On Zara 3rd birthday, everything changed Elda decided it would be nice to leave the house to celebrate, when they visited the beach for the day. Zara ran towards the sea, as happy as a three-year old could be, but when she touched the water her fingers became webbed and so did her toes. Elda was shocked and screamed this child was ‘cursed’! Zara didn’t really understand what ‘cursed’ meant, but before she could blink Elda sent her off in a small wooden boat, left to die. She cried and cried for days without food, or water. That was, until her cousin Abbey Oceana showed up, and took her in as her own child.


Lord of Altera
FINISH THIS NAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I love the writing by the way.. background is awesome :p.. although I wrote it..