Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Zatharel-Application [Declined - Sally]

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Well I guess i should start this aplication like all others:

-My real name is: Nikola Donov (I know it sounds wierd but i prefer Zath or Zatharel)
-I am Male
-I am 12 years old
-I live in Macedonia(pleese look it up if u havent herd of it)
-Ill read the survival guide
-Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game? Yes i do
-In character hugh? Ok well this is gonna take forever so here i go:
The name Zatharel comes from Zath from the movie "Zathura" and arel (backwords for Lera) is a made up character from me that is basicly the Godess or the Earth. So Zatharel=Science fiction+ Gods
In some projects I am planing to post on Planet Minecraft Zatharel has a brother named Hatharek with Htah as the God of Horrors that i made up and Kera the godess of pain. While Zatharel is exploring the world of Minecraftia and making allies he finds out that an ancient prophesy tells that he will 1 day defeat the all-powerfull Adamskey(His username is Adamskey101 and he keeps killing me on another server xD). While Zatharel is busy phophliling the prophecy his brother has a plan to conquer the world. After Zatharel has defeated Adamskey he comes to an epic new land (server) named Hollowworld, he has many adventures there(If an admin aproves him first :\), but no 1 knows what evil plans his brother has for him...

-Liked it ok tell me later next is:
-Well i am interested in Computer Programing I know some Visual Basic and a LITLE bit java. One of my hobies is actualy server-scouting which means i scout for unpopular servers and i try to make them better by advertising them on sites :). Another hoby is well colecting sea shells. Id like to be part of this server because i love roleplay and i herd this server was good so ya :).

-Examples well not realy im still working on most of my projects like the Golem Parkour series or The Legend of Zatharel ( I might make a utube vid about Legend of Zatharel)

-Yes i would like to share that i would like to be called "Zath" and not Zatharel because most people get it wrong (example: Zatheral, Zethareal, Zacharel etc).

-I will never use so called black magic (xray,hack, etc) as I said im the good guy ;)

-I was looking for good servers on Google and i found this

-Yes i have voted and I do plan to donate at some point



Zatharel said:
Hey its my birthday in 1 month and then ill be 13 :/ does that still count xD
Its a legal requirement or something, if your birthdays only in 1 month you could re-apply then
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