Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Zedock Nettie, a solitary physician.


Name: Zedock Edwin Nettie
Doctor Nettie
Age: 24
Gender: male
Race: human
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 156lbs
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: grey-blue
Skin: ivory

Identifying Marks: None, though, he is never without his glasses.

Appearance: A younger man but already succumbing to some wrinkles do to the stress of his proffession. Light smile wrinkles line his face delicately, giving him a perpetual air of kindness and gentleness. He shaves every morning as part of his routine, facial hair being unclean in the medical professorial to some degree, and he prefers to keep his patients as healthy as possible. Though, the clean face only adds to what other's had described as his otherwise boyish face. He wears his glasses, a gift from his late father, every day, being unable to see without there assistance. He dressed humbly, but smartly. Naturally colored shirts paired with one of his 3 vests (his only finery) and a pair of trousers. Though, in an epidemic, he can be recognized by the trademark plague wear, customary of all physicians in this age.

Strengths: Medical prowess, a strong stomach, and a quick learner. He's a well educated man but is sure not to flaunt such airs over his fellow citizens. A humble, kind man.

Weaknesses and fears: Physically he is not the strongest, having enough money growing up in his family to not have to worry as much as his neighbors about working the fields. Though, he is not fragile. While he is educated and does his work well, he is constantly in fear of loosing a patients, the deaths his hands allow causing him great pains every day.

Religion and cults: Raised to respect all the Gods, both good and evil, by his family, though not a firm practitioner himself. He is still a believer, but the old traditions have fallen aside in his passion and pursuit of better medical advancement. Though, he believes that the gods are helping to 'move his hand' and help him down the path he so desires. Therefore, the gods of good, such as Haratheth, revive a bit more prayer.

Profession: Doctor / Physician

Back Story: His grandfather had been lucky enough to become a knight of the king. Though his grandfather had long been gone, the title had helped his father out in life. While his father himself did not have the title of a nobleman, the family history was strong enough to strengthen the handshakes his father did with businessmen. His father managed to land a decent job in trade finances, allowing to find the hand of his mother, a beautiful an kind woman who would never have looked his way otherwise.
During his birth there had been some complications, and while he was born healthy, his mother suffered in that she could no longer bear children. But it would be alright. While they were not rich, they had money, and no fields to till. This would be fine. His parents decided that education must be the way to go, since he did not have the opportunities of his father at his age. His days were spent being walked to and from school by his mother, and then doing homework and more studying in the evening when his father came home and his mother finished her wifely duties.
The year he turned 16, his father came down with a horrible illness, doctors believing it to be symptoms of the plague treated him wrong, and his father passed away. Though cliche, this gave him new interest in the medical field. Right after the funeral he wiped away his tears and made a promise on his father's grave to become a doctor better than those who had let his father die.
He has worked hard since then, finding a master physician and studying under him (after many letters and begging) and finding ways to better himself. After working with his 'master' for many years he was finally granted permission to leave, and has decided to find somewhere to set up a small facility and continue his research, hoping to aide in finding a cure for whatever illness took his father away from him.
His mother still lives, though a saddened, frail, widow. She decided to move in with her sister for now, not wanting to follow Zedok so far away. He writes her every week, and sends money when he can to help aide in her and his aunt's health and livelihood.