Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(Zhibu) -Application [Pending - Mairin] (Inactive-Abbey)

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About you

1) What is your Minecraft username?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you?
In my house.
4) Have you read our guides yet?
Yeah, about how to not get banned and applications, also the server descriptions.
also this
and this

5) Introduce yourself! (Minimum 5 sentences please!)
I'm a guy that doesn't play minecraft very often but when I do I do it to relax so I usually build.
I play LoL and I'm ranked gold 2, if you know what that means. I usually play MC after a LoL game so that I can relax or take a break and start another game.
6) Got any examples of your work?
Top lane, streaming?, waiter.

About your character

Name: Zhibu

Age: 20

Race: Human

Appearance: Blonde-ish hair, black and white robes, straight face.

The test

Identifying Marks:
Weaknesses and fears:
Religion and cults:
Remember that your character will have some weaknesses, and dont give him too many or unreasonable strengths.
Dear Reader,

My name is Zhibu. The color of my skin is relatively a yellow creamy color. I have blond,brown hair and I am writing this wearing black and white robes. I weight about 130 pounds. My eye color is brown or black you can decide if our faces ever meet. I think I am about 2 or 3 blocks high. I came from an ancient Asiatic island unknown to others as Shao. As in, this island isn't known to anyone except the people that live in it. On this island there are harsh winters yet people have gotten used to this. Everyone is taught to be at peace and find happiness out of simple things.. I was born with the disability of being deaf and mute but made up for it by training as a child with my father that has recently passed away. He taught me the ancient art of the Mujo. Mujo isn't all about physical strength and counter-attacks and defenses; It is also a training of the mind. In the ancient temple of Shao island possessed a power that is granted after intense mental training known as telepathy. I have trained harder than any other Shao on this island and have acquired this unique power. I am un-able to speak to others but I am able to telepathically send them messages. I have decided to finish the boat that my father had spent so much time to create to explore the vast lands of the world. I must fulfill my father's dying wish to be able to explore the world and see how everything else in other lands are so much different than from Shao. I hope that this is enough information for me to be stepping foot onto your land. I wrote this letter because the guard blocking the gate said I must have an application before arriving. I've been waiting a few days now and hope this letter makes it to the capital on time. I'll be waiting here outside the walls of the city, waiting for a response. I hope to have passed the requirements needed to be a citizen. Thank you.
2013-06-05_23.29.46.png -Zhibu The Monk

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
Hello, I'd suggest adding to the, "Introduce Yourself," section as it says you need at least five sentences.
The, "Where are You?" section is asking which country you live in.
In, "The Test," I think we use meters as height instead of blocks. Each block in-game is one meter tall.
I don't think Asia is in our lore. You can read all about are lore here, and this should help you edit those few things.


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Please make the changes asked within a couple of days or I will have to decline this application.
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