Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Zolarix's Application [Approved - Just]


Loyal Servant of Altera
1. Your Minecraft username: -My Minecraft Username is Zolarix.
2. Your real name: -My real name is Nathaniel Jack David Fisher, some people insist on shortening my name but the full version seems somewhat fitting for a server of this type :)
3. Age: I am 16 but some say I live way too much, which I suppose means I'm probably around 30 :p
4. Gender: I am indeed a male!
5. Country:
I am from Great Britain, England to be precise; the best of the three countries! Or is it four now... Oh yes, that's right, nowadays there are TWO Ireland's... Humph.
6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? -I have indeed read the Tome of Citizenship, and I must say immediately that that is one INCREDIBLE document! It is profoundly well written and helped me make the decision that my opinion of the server is that it is the one I have been waiting for!

7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?

I do indeed have experience roleplaying... Oh wait, let us not forget the first part of that question, as supposedly so many do! How do I feel about the roleplaying aspect of this server... Hmm. Well, after being on so many servers that seemed impersonal and feeling like I do not exist, with there being no sense of purpose or community, mass lack of organisation, stressed players of the higher ranks, repetitive gameplay, no concern for your needs and improper use of mods such as Towny (which I had previously hated but after reading the Tome and how you use its full potential I am very excited to use) and the heartfelt need to RP (when I join a new server I usually talk like so: "Greetings sir, thank you for allowing me to your server!" or if the admin is not there "I appreciate your warm greetings, but do I have permission to enter your ruler's realms? ;)" or "I apologise for my ignorance, but as a newcomer I know not how this land is operated! Alas, I am afraid of breaking some unspoken rule, or unintentionally offending an inhabitant of these fine lands; thus I ask you with utmost urgency if you could direct me to the location of a rules board or other means of "showing me the ropes."") I think we'll end that drawn out example there, as that sentence was getting much to long. Basically, I am ready for a complete RP experience. But why? How can I know of its powers if every server I join cannot show me?

Well, this leads on to the second part of the question. While I had very little luck directly within playing minecraft, that did not stop me from finding another way. I did this by heading the co-ordination of a large (too large) minecraft show. So large it expanded and built up so much pressure it burst. In other words, it failed, but not before we had recruiting 30 people, wrote a 40 page storyline and lore, built 2 of the 4 main cities, created a texturepack as well as a website and a YouTube channel and released 3 videos, one being a cinematic trailer and the other being progress videos, and I personally had made 4 songs for the original soundtrack to be played throughout. You may want to see proof of this, well, I can at least show you the website(, but I cannot show you the YouTube channel as I closed it (out of embarrassment). Looking back on it now I am deeply saddened actually. We had a Skype conversation that did not close for about 5 months after the show was unspoken(ly) [sorry, emotion comes before grammar right now] cancelled, but none of us wanted to say it. Why?

Because we were friends, and you know what? I only wanted to create the show because I wanted to work with friends on a project that would use our imaginations in the fantastic world of minecraft. The reason I gave up is because 20 of the 30 were not ready for such a commitment; such is the internet.

I deleted all those friends a few days ago. After finally, formerly announcing the show's discontinuation. For some reason, I had to. I cried when I deleted one of them, a girl who lives in California, several thousands of miles away from me. Originally we met when applying for another RP show, one that failed immediately. But Hannah and I, we did not let the idea die, and we began making a world that was incredible, the city of Fenix.... we were going to tell the story of the Endeavour of the Five. In our hearts, we were. But in reality, once education recommenced at the end of summer it was impractical.

Oh, also, I play an MMO RPG called Anarchy Online, probably the least well known but deepest and most detailed MMO out there :) I have been playing it 6 years.

8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.

-I have written rather a lot already, so I'll make this a list.
I *do* (do = learn, do for fun, do for money) the following:
Play games (a large variety)
Make videos (YouTube channel FKProds)
Design and run websites
Make music (YouTube channel FKSounds)
Help others learn to make music
Make games (learning to model, texture, level design, sound design etc)
Voice act
Design games (Which is the reason why I'm learning to make them)
Long for an opportunity to Role Play
Graphic Design
Run a small group called FK Productions which operates on the above activities.
I am currently studying Physics, Maths, ICT and Psychology at a Grammar School Sixth Form, after producing mediocre grades (Ax3, Bx5, Cx1, Dx1) at GCSE, due to the fact my mother made me hate education. At this rate, my expected A level grades are questionable, as is the question of whether I will make it into university. Frankly, I am sick of education and want to show off my creative talent instead now that I am free of my mother.
9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

-Examples of my work, eh? I'm not sure what "work" this should be- Minecraft builds? Let me see if I can dig out the Eo5 world....Oh.. no.. It's gone. Well, here's a screen of a massive "treehouse" I'm making. Hell, why not :p

I do love building but most of the time it's to fill the gap where RPing would be. It's almost like my inspiration for building is to one day USE it during some imaginary RP that will never happen... Isn't that most people's attraction to minecraft? "This is the library where people would read." "Here is a pub where people can swap drunken tales." Except, they never have... until now I hope :3
If you meant other work, just check my YouTube channels. You can hear my voice on there too and everything, it's pretty amazing this internet thing... Oh and here is another copy of the first trailer for my RP that I made. The music was made by me a year ago so it isn't so great. The 4 dislikes are from some immature "opposition" apparently.
Also here is the MCF thread where recruitment ETC took place for my RP show:
10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
-Due to all the "living" I have been doing I can get rather depressed at times, but I promise I shall try not to be there when I am, as it could ruin my "life" inside of Hollow World if I don't.
Unrelated info. I donate to servers I like. In fact, I put all my emotion into something I like. If you are looking for dedicated players, here's one, over here look, in the crowd... of applicants...

11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? -I am aware of the restrictions against frankly game ruining mods or texturepacks. I will never even be tempted to use them.

12. How did you find out about our server? -I found you guys on

13. Have you voted for us? -I will be voting for you, but I couldn't today, as I voted for another MC server already. One that I was intending to leave, due to the reasons shown up top.
Anyhow, sorry to cut this short, although some may argue it's gone on long enough, but I am actually shivering with excitement of the thought of being accepted into what seems to be a REAL community. I want to build intensely detailed things and follow rules and rise up within the community, not just via ranks but with player to player respect. I want to meet new people and learn new things about myself. And I really, really am desperate to see this world. I want to go on adventures. But most of all, I want to give something to Hollow World. Something different. And I want you to add me to the whitelist, if you think I am worthy. Please do not think me big headed for writing so much, I simply want to maximise my chances of getting in.
I would just like to say thank you for taking your time to read this- I sure do hope it was worth it after the time it took too write and read :)
-Nathaniel (Zolarix)


Loyal Servant of Altera
this is really much info if you just saw how you should put it . plaese reedit in the questions