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Bounty on Deathomen


Zalenfal Guardian
Except death... Otherwise all of us would be stuck with the same rp.
I like to think of there being a difference between dying and the character dying. One is minor, something the Sisterhood can heal, and the latter is a more major thing, which they cannot (or maybe will not - contraversy!).


The original mute
I like to think of there being a difference between dying and the character dying. One is minor, something the Sisterhood can heal, and the latter is a more major thing, which they cannot (or maybe will not - contraversy!).
Us having this debate/argument made me think we need more concrete lore on the sisterhood, don't you agree? I mean while they can heal any wound, how could they heal you if you got decapitated and your head was nowhere to be found... Or if your heart got cut in two, how could they restore you and then keep you alive after? While the sisterhood can fix most things perhaps we need someone to go through with a group of guys and sort out what they can and can't repair out of grievous injuries.


Zalenfal Guardian
Us having this debate/argument made me think we need more concrete lore on the sisterhood, don't you agree? I mean while they can heal any wound, how could they heal you if you got decapitated and your head was nowhere to be found... Or if your heart got cut in two, how could they restore you and then keep you alive after? While the sisterhood can fix most things perhaps we need someone to go through with a group of guys and sort out what they can and can't repair out of grievous injuries.
Well, yes and no. I don't fully understand how the Sisterhood works, but that may be just because I'm not understanding it rather than a lack in the lore. Plus, I don't think it could be sorted by different types of wound, because that's not how it'd work. Because we keep our characters alive until we want them to die, we'd ignore any and all deaths of any kind up until then, assuming that the Sisterhood fixed it up. I mean, who comes back from being submerged in lava?
(I also think we've been taking this thread a bit off-topic :p)


The original mute
Well, yes and no. I don't fully understand how the Sisterhood works, but that may be just because I'm not understanding it rather than a lack in the lore. Plus, I don't think it could be sorted by different types of wound, because that's not how it'd work. Because we keep our characters alive until we want them to die, we'd ignore any and all deaths of any kind up until then, assuming that the Sisterhood fixed it up. I mean, who comes back from being submerged in lava?
(I also think we've been taking this thread a bit off-topic :p)
True we have. Also I think the lore does need a bit of refinement, as in some of the lore isn't exactly clear.


Lord of Altera
I always figured that your body was recreated in that pool thing you spawn in or it was repaired by the magicks of the pool.
Because we can all agree that the pool is obviously related to the coming back to life as you do spawn directly in it.


The original mute
See what I mean, who knows exactly what can and can't be healed? For example what if you commit suicide, you'd obviously not want to live, perhaps it's whether the person is willed enough to come back...


Lord of Altera
I suspect it's based on whether the person willed to come back to life or not because if you Rp die then you've allowed yourself to die as opposed to getting killed in the SW, where you probably didn't want to be killed.

And as to the issue on what can be healed if we imagine a completely new body is created from the pool, even if the original body was completely destroyed by say lava, the "spirit" of the person would not be destroyed and would reform in a new body, effectively putting no limits on what can be healed.
So sorta similar to reincarnation.

Spirit goes in... body comes out. Yay


Lord of Altera
Only one problem, what happens to an old body that isn't fully destroyed?
Surely there must be a point where someone has to run into their own dead body.
Maybe the old body become spirit essence like in FF and is absorbed into a life stream of sorts?
But who knows, I don't write the lore for the server. :p


I think I might like it here
I leave for one day and people think I've left/run away? Jeez. (I'm always on at some point of the day, you all are just not here to see me. .-.) I would very much like to inform you that I do not consent to my RP death. So, if you try to kill off my character I will not be happy. :)


The original mute
I leave for one day and people think I've left/run away? Jeez. (I'm always on at some point of the day, you all are just not here to see me. .-.) I would very much like to inform you that I do not consent to my RP death. So, if you try to kill off my character I will not be happy. :)
Ok, rule four is now gone, do you accept the others?


Lord of Altera
What?! Your always on at the same time? Must be when I'm sleeping because I never see you online... I like my sleep ok!


Legend of Altera
Okay I won't bother with ()s because its obviously an ooc thread now.
I didn't want her to die an permanent death, I wanted someone to kill her. The bounty did not stipulate taht she ahd to never return to life, as Hilter is content to allow the sisterhood to revive or not revive her.

But, Hilter has by this point forgotten about it and withdraws the bounty. Sorry to those of you who wanted to do it.