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University of Altera- Application for students thread

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King Oguk

Earthspawn King
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
D.A breastplate, which is rather old, but in oddly perfect condition, hinting at underlying power.

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do? (I would do these 3 , Hey I will manage my spare time after all!!!)

A.Settle down in the Library and read some of the books by the fire.
C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside.
E.Go mining in the Southern Wilds to get some diamonds for new armor and weapons.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

5.Pick one.
A.A silver blade.

6.Choose a pet

7.Which quote resonates with you the most?

D.Do it right the first time


Lord of Altera
I realise that the event pertaning to this thread was this evening but I have been struggling to access the server and forums this weekend and so I apologise for being late. I feel however somewhat obligated to fill this out as I am the teacher of Astronomy.

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A


1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?

D.A breastplate, which is rather old, but in oddly perfect condition, hinting at underlying power.

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?

A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?

C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?


5.Pick one.

A.A silver blade.

6.Choose a pet


7.Which quote resonates with you the most?

D.Do it right the first time


Lord of Altera
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
A.Ancient tome of long lost Alteran legends
B.Scroll containing old and powerful magic
C.Imagery, descriptions, and blueprints of the ruined palace
D.A breastplate, which is rather old, but in oddly perfect condition, hinting at underlying power.
E.A staff hidden under all of the other items. It seems to have an odd power, something… entrancing. It calls you to take it.
2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!
B.Quietly prepare an inventory of wards and spells in case trouble arises.
C.Hide in the shadows and observe whatever approaches.
D.Open a secret hatch you know of that leads to the sewers and drop in.
E.Run away!!!! Oh the humanity!!!!
3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
A.Settle down in the Library and read some of the books by the fire.
B.Gather ingredients to attempt some experimental brewing.
C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside.
D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.
E.Go mining in the Southern Wilds to get some diamonds for new armor and weapons.
4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?
5.Pick one.
A.A silver blade.
B.A Bo staff
C.A wand
D.A hammer
6.Choose a pet
7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
A.Truth will prevail
B.The just will triumph
C.Without chaos there is no order
D.Do it right the first time


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Okay, I think I missed this, and I have already been sorted into Korigon, but what the heck...

1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
E.A staff hidden under all of the other items. It seems to have an odd power, something… entrancing. It calls you to take it.

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
B.Quietly prepare an inventory of wards and spells in case trouble arises.

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
A.Settle down in the Library and read some of the books by the fire.
C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

5.Pick one.
C.A wand

6.Choose a pet

7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
B.The just will triumph
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
B.Scroll containing old and powerful magic
2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
C.Hide in the shadows and observe whatever approaches.
3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.
4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?
5.Pick one.
B.A Bo staff
6.Choose a pet
7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
A.Truth will prevail


Lord of Altera
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?

B.Scroll containing old and powerful magic

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?

A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?

D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?


5.Pick one.

B.A Bo staff

6.Choose a pet


7.Which quote resonates with you the most?

B.The just will triumph


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?B.Scroll containing old and powerful magic

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
C.Hide in the shadows and observe whatever approaches.

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

5.Pick one.
C.A wand

6.Choose a pet
7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
C.Without chaos there is no order

Re-did this, because it's a different character this time, and my old character will no longer be enrolling in the University.


1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?

C.Imagery, descriptions, and blueprints of the ruined palace

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?

C.Hide in the shadows and observe whatever approaches.

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?

D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

C. Imagination

5.Pick one.

D.A hammer

6.Choose a pet


7.Which quote resonates with you the most?

D.Do it right the first time


Legend of Altera
different colored ones are my choice
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
E.A staff hidden under all of the other items. It seems to have an odd power, something… entrancing. It calls you to take it.

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!
C.Hide in the shadows and observe whatever approaches.
D.Open a secret hatch you know of that leads to the sewers and drop in.

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside.
D.Work on the design and layout of your newest creation.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

5.Pick one.
A.A silver blade.

6.Choose a pet
B.Cat =^-^=

7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
C.Without chaos there is no order
hope I can get in ^^


Legend of Altera
how are we indicated that we are excepted or not? will you leave a comment or something? sorry for my stupidity just askin' XP


Lord of Altera
1.You come across an old chest deep in the ruins of a destroyed city. You only have enough room in your bag to take one thing. Which do you choose?
A.Ancient tome of long lost Alteran legends

2.You are wandering the empty streets of Port Silver at night. You pass through a dark alley when you suddenly hear heavy footsteps behind you. What do you do?
A.Draw your sword and prepare to fight. Stand your ground!

3.When you have free time at the university, what would you most like to do?
A.Settle down in the Library and read some of the books by the fire.
C.Get together with friends and go explore the surrounding countryside.

4.Which gift/power would you most like to have?

5.Pick one.
D.A hammer

6.Choose a pet

7.Which quote resonates with you the most?
C.Without chaos there is no order


Lord of Altera
how are we indicated that we are excepted or not? will you leave a comment or something? sorry for my stupidity just askin' XP
Automatically you are accepted, go when it is time for classes that you want. However, they can expel you from the university.
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