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Sorrowlands returning

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Loyal Servant of Altera
*patrols the PvP line, shooting everyone stopping for more than a second near the PvP line, laughing maniacally*
Only time I ever got killed in the SW by PvP was on the line, fighting a pair of creepers and 3 zombies, some invisible coward shot me in the back with a flame aspect bow. Then stole my sword of Sharpness 3. :mad:

I never had any problems way from the spawn, and even met some friendlies.

Having just one land might encourage players to work together and travel in bands. It might be fun if players joined 4-5 large rival mining/logging companies.


Dead Man Walking
I would like to see more players encountering each other in the resource worlds, PvP or otherwise. Other people are what make playing on a server worth while.


Burner of Worlds
Can we make sure chestbank is enabled in the Sorrowlands. We can't use it in Hollows or Nether and since it's a donor perk, it'd be good to get _some_ use out of it


Lord_Sinclair said:
Or we could just get people to use Ender Chests for their original purpose.
What is the point of this post? Think about what you just said and then ask yourself if it was actually a valid statement.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I thought about rewording it later, but it was already quoted....

That's what I get for posting stuff right out of bed in the morning. :confused:

Gavin Summerdell

Settling in Altera
As a former admin on a big multiplayer server, I'm familiar with some of these issues. For what it's worth, Sally's approach is pretty close to what we decided on. Here's what we did:

1. Have a large, world-guarded, no-PVP spawn area that had easy egress in all directions. The spawn structure itself wasn't big - just a few chunks - but the surrounding protected natural area was at least 5 chunks in any direction.

This made spawn/line camping impractical. Having PVP on made the adventure of resource gathering more interesting, but wasn't a huge hindrance. People just knew to be cautious.

2. Reset the frontier world OR move the spawn point on a regular basis. This made it feasible for noobs and (players without /sethome) to actually find resources and get them home again.

If the world was to be regenerated instead of just moving the spawn point, I was adamant that we re-seed as well. We had too many people making Rei waypoints (or simply taking notes) on where diamonds were, then farming them as soon as the chunks regenerated. It was impossible to distinguish from X-raying with server tools, but they weren't cheating. Anybody who plays the same level/dungeon in a game more than once memorizes where the loot and powerups are. Moving spawn or using a new seed is the only practical answer.

Two unique factors on HW that come into play are worth consideration:

1. If frontier settlements are to be encouraged, moving the spawn point is - I think - far preferable to regenerating chunks. It makes it interesting for RP, since the route to the settlement has changed. It keeps resource-gathering feasible for noobs and non-donors. It also circumvents the risk of having people farm regenerated-chunks using waypoints/etc.

2. Non-consensual PVP can be tempered with RP considerations. If we require people to have a legitimate, in-character justification for PVP attacks, it will have a considerable damping effect. Having IC consequences for banditry / acting like a barbarian will be a powerful deterrent.

One wrinkle we should consider is that people are likely to RP disguising themselves for the same reason real bandits/robbers wear masks. So it may be advisable to have disguise rules of some kind. Something to increase the risk of being recognized or unmasked. A custom plugin would make this feasible. I have some ideas about this, but will save it for another thread. :)

Anyway, sorry for being long-winded. Hopefully something was useful.


Lord of Altera
I love your ideas, that thing about RP disguises and IC consequences is brilliant really, I hope we can enforce that because PVP is a really good way to get feared in RP :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
I have a semi-related question. What happens if I'm in the, EF, SW, Hollows, or Nether prior to it being deleted. I go off line and the area is deleted. What happens when I rejoin? Instant death and all my gear flushed into the void? Do I reappear at the same coordinates in the new land and suffer a horrid death as I materialize in some solid object?

I lay awake at night thinking about these things.....:confused:, or at least my character does.


Retired Staff
I have a semi-related question. What happens if I'm in the, EF, SW, Hollows, or Nether prior to it being deleted. I go off line and the area is deleted. What happens when I rejoin? Instant death and all my gear flushed into the void? Do I reappear at the same coordinates in the new land and suffer a horrid death as I materialize in some solid object?

I lay awake at night thinking about these things.....:confused:, or at least my character does.
We usually have the world still loaded for a short while, should this happen, you can travel back to the NK using the balloons, or ask for a staff member to teleport you back. If we unload the world, then yes, you die in the void.
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