Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sparku Artsu

Another drawing finished. This one is my new RP character, Tynan. No idea how long this took but, I can safely say the hand took foooooooorever~ .-.


Tell me what ya think :cool:
I've spent so long on this one I don't even have an estimate of time, but behold :D

Since Ghostyboy is on holiday he wont see this for a few days. Mwahahaha
View attachment 32400 I'm drawing my character now actually so i'll post that here when that's done..

Age: Around 23 years of age.
Gender: Female
Race: Clearly elf, but has smaller ears that the average.
Build: Thin, but strong. About average height. Maybe smaller.
Hair: Mousy-Blonde, with beach-y waves.
Eyes: Blue-y purple. more purple though.
Skin: Average. Slightly tanned.
Tattoos/Scars: No tattoos. One small scar across the eye.
Distinguishing Features: Small elven ears, small scar, and a rip in the right ear. Always has a dog round her ankles, and her purple eyes.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths - Sneaking, building, sword skills, dagger throwing.
Weaknesses: Not very reliable. Always late and gets nervous reasonably easily. Very quiet, so finds it hard to make friends. Doesn't talk much.
Clothes:Black pirate boots, Black skinny trousers, white blouse with sleeves down to elbows, and a navy blue blazer with gold bands around the cuff, the collar is stuck up.

Just copied from my story because I'm lazy :I
Tank you very much


Lord of Altera
Might be a tad late, but I forbid you Sparky having kids with my husband. I think Emily will be messed up enough without your child as her stepbrother/sister.

Though there is some wonderful pictures here, keep up the good work. Oh and I must say, Cloud's eyes are fabulous.
Might be a tad late, but I forbid you Sparky having kids with my husband. I think Emily will be messed up enough without your child as her stepbrother/sister.

Though there is some wonderful pictures here, keep up the good work. Oh and I must say, Cloud's eyes are fabulous.
I never wanted to have kids with him anyway, he has to many flaws. He can't drive, he crashes any vehicle he drives, he beats up his friends then makes out with other women. You can have him~

Thanks for the compliment though~