Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Over the Horizon (Part 1)


Lord of Altera
Over the Horizon
[Part 1: Private Event]
water ocean horizon cyan 1280x960 wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_96.jpg

The Eyes of Silas
Beyond the horizon we’ll go.
To lands not seen, we will see.
History not made, we will make.
For far too long our knowledge has been limited to the lands of the Northern Kingdoms. It has come time to discover the unknown. Led by Captain Alexander Wise, the Eyes of Silas will soon set off into the South Western Seas in search for the unknown.
*If you come on this event, you may only rp with others on this event until the crew returns to the Northern Kingdoms, which may not be until the end of the weekend.

Date: June 5th-7th
Key Times:
June 5th, Friday: 4 PM PST: Voyage launch
June 5th 4 PM PST-June 6th 11:59 AM PST: Sea time sailing
June 6th, Saturday: 12 PM PST: First major event (Followed by possible departure)

June 6th 12 PM PST-June 7th 11:59 AM PST: Possible exploration time, depending on the outcome of the first major event.
June 7th, Saturday: 12 PM PST: Departure, if not already happened on Saturday.

Crew: here

"Jax's Luck"

If you wish to join in on this event act quick! There are only a few spots left, so click on the link to the crew above and PM me on the forums.
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Lord of Altera

-140 cannon balls - In the lower decks of the ships, Where the cannons are located, There are 140 round shot 25LB cannon balls. Each is capable of blowing a large hole through thick wood, and successfully explode.

-14 cannons - There will be 7 cannons on each side of the boat, able to be taken apart and brought to the deck if needed. Each cannon will have a stack of 10 cannon balls next to it

-crate of gunpowder - In the lower deck, A large crate of gunpowder is sitting peacefully on the ground. It has enough gunpowder for all the cannons to shoot with 3 ounces of gunpowder.

-5 barrels of apple ale - A set of 5 large barrels can be found below deck. Each barrel containing 31.5 gallons of ale. The amount of apple ale that we will have will equal the amount of exactly 157.5 gallons of apple ale.

-1 barrel of whiskey - Below deck a barrel can be found containing roughly 31.5 gallons of brown Whiskey.

-1 barrel of red wine - Another barrel containing roughly 31.5 gallons of Red Wine.

-17 barrels of water - 17 Barrels of water is 552 gallons of water. Enough for 19 people to last for 30 days and then some.

-2 Rain barrels. - IF it rains enough. Each gallon should fill with 31.5 gallons of water. So IF it rains we will have extra 63 gallons of water.

-1 extra for each sail - Thickly folded up white cloth, Replacements for the sails if anything were to happen to one.

-bandages - Type bandages to cover wounds.

-medical supplies - Medicine. Bandages, Tools, Casts, swabs etc. etc (If anyone can give more info on this that would be great)

-two crates of crackers - A large crate of Cruste Rolle crackers. (Like puffy tortilla chips)

-four crates of salted pork - Very fatty and salty pork. Stacked up in barrels.

-one box of salt - A box of salt. Enough to keep stable supply while constant small use.

-four crates wheat(for making bread) - A crate of crunched wheat.

-Two crates of sauerkraut

-Crate of Pine Pitch

-Crate of cotton fibers

-Two crows

-Fishing gear - Two fishing nets, five fishing poles, box of bait

-Four boxes of coal
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Lord of Altera
Added Key Times, date confirmed, and warning that if you come on this event then your rp will be restricted to the event until the crew returns to the Northern Kingdoms, which may not be until the end of the weekend.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If restrictions are here for the Cannons, id like the hear em. Otherwise for the cannons were looking at:

A 3-Pounder naval cannon loaded each with 2-3 ounces of gunpowder. Each cannon will be loaded with a round ball shot and a bucket of water to the side. Also including a swab next to it. Oh the cannon there will be a small point like thing for priming the cannons.

Cannonballs will be a maximum of 25 Pounds, Able to put a large hole through wood and explode.
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Loyal Servant of Altera

-140 cannon balls - In the lower decks of the ships, Where the cannons are located, There are 140 round shot 25LB cannon balls. Each is capable of blowing a large hole through thick wood, and successfully explode.

-14 cannons - There will be 7 cannons on each side of the boat, able to be taken apart and brought to the deck if needed. Each cannon will have a stack of 10 cannon balls next to it

-crate of gunpowder - In the lower deck, A large crate of gunpowder is sitting peacefully on the ground. It has enough gunpowder for all the cannons to shoot with 3 ounces of gunpowder.

-5 barrels of apple ale - A set of 5 large barrels can be found below deck. Each barrel containing 31.5 gallons of ale. The amount of apple ale that we will have will equal the amount of exactly 157.5 gallons of apple ale.

-1 barrel of whiskey - Below deck a barrel can be found containing roughly 31.5 gallons of brown Whiskey.

-1 barrel of red wine - Another barrel containing roughly 31.5 gallons of Red Wine.

-17 barrels of water - 17 Barrels of water is 552 gallons of water. Enough for 16 people to last for 34 days.

-2 Rain barrels. - IF it rains enough. Each gallon should fill with 31.5 gallons of water. So IF it rains we will have extra 63 gallons of water.

-1 extra for each sail - Thickly folded up white cloth, Replacements for the sails if anything were to happen to one.

-bandages - Type bandages to cover wounds.

-medical supplies - Medicine. Bandages, Tools, Casts, swabs etc. etc (If anyone can give more info on this that would be great)

-two crates of crackers - A large crate of Cruste Rolle crackers. (Like puffy tortilla chips)

-four crates of salted pork - Very fatty and salty pork. Stacked up in barrels.

-one box of salt - A box of salt. Enough to keep stable supply while constant small use.

-four crates wheat(for making bread) - A crate of crunched wheat.

-2 Small row boats, Able to hold 8 people each on the side of the boats.
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Lord of Altera
Meat from the Pork Belly and the lower parts are fattier then most any other parts of a hog. Bacon is already cut from here and so is salted Pork so it's not "fattier than Bacon"

Farm raised hogs are way fatter then wild hogs and if you want em to have even fattier meat simply feed em a crap ton of corn.

And it's as salty as you make it.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Meat from the Pork Belly and the lower parts are fattier then most any other parts of a hog. Bacon is already cut from here and so is salted Pork so it's not "fattier than Bacon"

Farm raised hogs are way fatter then wild hogs and if you want em to have even fattier meat simply feed em a crap ton of corn.

And it's as salty as you make it.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Okay, so I can make /most/ of these.


Coffee Enthusiast

-140 cannon balls - In the lower decks of the ships, Where the cannons are located, There are 140 round shot 25LB cannon balls. Each is capable of blowing a large hole through thick wood, and successfully explode.

-14 cannons - There will be 7 cannons on each side of the boat, able to be taken apart and brought to the deck if needed. Each cannon will have a stack of 10 cannon balls next to it

-crate of gunpowder - In the lower deck, A large crate of gunpowder is sitting peacefully on the ground. It has enough gunpowder for all the cannons to shoot with 3 ounces of gunpowder.

-5 barrels of apple ale - A set of 5 large barrels can be found below deck. Each barrel containing 31.5 gallons of ale. The amount of apple ale that we will have will equal the amount of exactly 157.5 gallons of apple ale.

-1 barrel of whiskey - Below deck a barrel can be found containing roughly 31.5 gallons of brown Whiskey.

-1 barrel of red wine - Another barrel containing roughly 31.5 gallons of Red Wine.

-2 barrels of water - Two barrels of water with small dispensers attached can be found. Each barrel containing 31.5 gallons of water. Totaling 63 gallons of water.

-1 extra for each sail - Thickly folded up white cloth, Replacements for the sails if anything were to happen to one.

-bandages - Type bandages to cover wounds.

-medical supplies - Medicine. Bandages, Tools, Casts, swabs etc. etc (If anyone can give more info on this that would be great)

-two crates of crackers - A large crate of Cruste Rolle crackers. (Like puffy tortilla chips)

-four crates of salted pork - Very fatty and salty pork. Stacked up in barrels.

-one box of salt - A box of salt. Enough to keep stable supply while constant small use.

-four crates wheat(for making bread) - A crate of crunched wheat.
This inventory stock/list satisfies me.
I really like inventory management and stuff like this.


Retired Staff
Criticism: A human needs at least 1 gallon of water a day. You've got 15 crew and 63 gallons, so enough water for 4 days. If you dilute all of it into the cider, you'll have enough for 2 weeks, but a the cost of not having any fresh water if you need it.

Unless you've got plans for stretching supplies, you seem to be on a very Columbian voyage.


Retired Staff
I'd suggest something like a solar distillery, but I don't know how effectively it could be rigged, how much water it'd produce (not enough for 15 people), or if anyone on the crew is aware of the principles behind it. There's also the question of having the right equipment to use one to full effect, since consuming fuel to boil seawater is wasteful and dangerous on a wooden ship, and lens tech probably isn't where it needs to be to make a sufficiently large lens.

Distilleries would work fine on a beach or something due to the lower fire hazard and hopeful presence of trees for fuel, but there's no guarantee you'll find land before water runs out.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
In my estimation, you can change your supplies until you leave.

I would like someone to mention what kind of time-scale you'll be using for the trip. For this sort of thing, it'll be important to know that.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If we have rain barrels also, What will the IC time = Gallon ratio be. (If it rains)

Ex: 15 OOC min of raining = [insert gallons here]

Edit: If anyone can help me with this Medieval Medical supply stuff that'd be great
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