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The Eyes of Silas


Lord of Altera
Few new members. There are six more spots available for the next voyage. Chronicler, two caulkers/carpenders, and three more Infantry/Riggers


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Few new members. There are six more spots available for the next voyage. Chronicler, two caulkers/carpenders, and three more Infantry/Riggers
I like to write stuff OOC and IC too. Azure has some history in writing stuff so if I get the chance and I see the poster IC I may hunt you down. Sounds like a good way to get Azure out of the house.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
(Entirely a first hand account, written while almost fainting from exhaustion. I only wrote about what I did, so this means that certain characters were pretty much just left out, as I had little/no interaction with them. Many things were also exaggerated - eg: Dalinar compares one of the waves to a mountain. Obviously, it was not so, but it felt like it while inside the bowels of the ship. It is also for this reason that someone's title may be repeated many times, whereas I would only do it once. Pardon the inevitable typos and stupidity, I'm pretty tired myself )

A Journey in to the Endless Blue
Part One

Dalinar Klavier

Honestly? I was lucky to make it there on time. Barely in time to hear Alexander's speech, I was lucky to make it aboard.

"Hello, lads! Welcome aboard. Some of you have sailed with me before, some of you have not. If you have, welcome back, if you have not... Good luck.
First of all, I'd like to go over how things work on my ship. You follow my commands, and if I am not around to give commands, then you follow Gannet's commands. I will not put up for drama, so don't test me.
Now, we are going south, to see if there is anything beyond the Sorrowlands. This will be dangerous, so don't expect an easy sail there and back. On that note, I'd like to ask Jax for his blessings.
Now! Let's have a good voyage, lands. Untie us from the docks, set sail, we're off!"

A speech worthy of the task we were about to embark on, no doubt. With a decent wind, we set off at half mast from the docks of the glorious Azerport.

Not minutes after we set sail, I began to chat with Septimus, the Lead Scholar on our venture. Shortly after departure, the seas began to grow choppier. Being one that is used to travelling in the bowels of a ship, my stomach lurched along with the boat. Luck was on my side, as my breakfast stayed in my gut, and not on the deck. There was no change in the condition of the seas, even as the sun began to set on us.

By the time half of an hour had passed bye, a gentle drizzle fell on us, but the clouds remained as light and sparse as before. What might've been an omen, was disregarded by all. When darkness had set in, I knew that sleep would not come easily, as the sea rocked the boat as steadily as before.

Still embraced in conversation with Septimus, I hardly noticed the waves growing in strength. Truthfully, my stomach noticed before I, and this was proven by a bucket-full of vomit ending up in the sea. The ship rocked recklessly, so I'm sure I was not the only one without sea legs, but Gods was I mortified.

The dinner bell rang, but there was no hope of me keeping food down. I was luck though, as the ship doctor, Mila, helped me, and did her best to find some tea - which ended up just being orange-tasting hot water. Murdoc, our ship's cook, did his best to find a herb for tea. Sadly, no such thing had been brought on board, and did more than I could've hoped. As we went below deck, the horizon was littered with charcoal clouds, hiding the moon. The ship rushed towards an unreachable horizon, into what was almost it's doom.

Having grown tired, I ventured off towards my cabin. The warmth of the tea filling my every fibre, I quickly dozed off.

With a crash in the middle of the night, we were awoken. I swear, the fact that I'm not currently seriously injured is a blessing. Having been tossed from my bed, into the wall, I was winded. Having quickly subsided, I fumbled for a candle and pan. With a source of light, and a loincloth to keep my dignity, I managed to wake the only sleeping passenger. A halfling, by the name of Cedric. Gods only know how he managed to sleep through the whole thing. We quickly departed, searching the lowest levels for leaks - but fully dressed, I assure you. Cedric was soon to return the favour, mind you. A gargantuan wave sent me sprawling. With a hand, even a small one, I was quickly up again.

Unfortunately, this moment didn't last long, as the boat was struck again, and we were both sent sprawling across the middle deck. Desperate to see the open air, I made my way on deck. It was easy to see that the crew were earning their pay, without doubt, as the vicious winds tested their every movement, their every muscle, and the ship's every knot. I was above deck for naught but twenty seconds, but what I saw was the picture of a nightmare. The wind blew with such force that the rain fell sideways! Alexander, our ship's captain, kept a level head. Realising it was a life-or-death, he ordered most below deck - to repair, and to look after any injured - while only keeping those needed for rigging in danger. A wise move, as I was lucky to be on site when a hole burst in the hole, a wave forcing it's way in. I was sent flying as a small woman hit me, and we landed in a tangled mess. A Shipwright, by the name of Jaxon, was soon there to assist. A sight for sore eyes, to say the least. With precise movements, and an air of expertise, he quickly began to repair the holes.

The woman from before, Adiella, kept a steady head, whereas I merely stood and watched for a few moments. With the help of Septimus, they saved a huge amount of cargo from the freezing water pouring over and past Jaxon. But what came next, oh Gods, what happened next. I'm not sure if it was with a huge amount of bravery, or a huge amount of stupidity, a miracle occurred. Cedric, the halfing I woke earlier, dove over the edge of the ship. With naught but a rope to take him back, he plugged the remaining hole from the outside. As I said, bravery or stupidity, I don't know, but he did it none the less. To be honest, it was probably a healthy combination of both. Jaxon continued repairs from the inside, ensuring the remaining holes wouldn't spring a leak.

I left then, to fetch some cleaner clothes. By the time I changed out of my wringing clothes, and in to something warmer, the rain had eased. The deck was still soaked, mind you, and I almost lost my balance on multiple occasions. When I got on deck, Cedric had been hauled up by a few of the quicker crew - I don't remember who. Looking to be on the edge of hypothermia, he was rushed to the surgery. I managed to grab some of his dry clothes from his cabin, between the shock of two more mountain-sized waves.

Unfortunately, by dawn break, I discovered that Jaxon, the shipwright, was knocked unconscious in the midst of the previous two waves. Adiella was not far behind myself, and with her assistance, we managed to carry him in to the surgery, before going back to gather his tools. Not a moment after I sat on the bedside of my new halfling friend, did a call come from deck. Alexander was out for the count. Both Septimus and I rushed to his side, as well as a few others from above deck.

I was not needed, so I remained by Gannet, the Captain-in-place, for a decent while. Having only broken away to fetch Murdoc, the cook, I spoke with her regarding the well being of the ship's crew. The crew was lucky she kept such a clear conscience, and we were all the better for it. Under her instruction, I moved Alexander to the surgery (who didn't remain there for a great deal of time, mind you). Previously, I recanted the crew's state of affairs to Gannet, and I did the same for Alexander. I soon learned that Murdoc had taken the helm, as Gannet rushed off to other affairs. Finally, the storm had passed, and the whole ordeal began to wind down.

Septimus, who had been going non-stop, suggested he and I make some stew for the crew, which was both well needed, and well deserved. By the time he had fetched the ingredients, Cedric was out and about, in need of some stitches. The Jack of all Trades, Septimus, tended to the wound. With Murdoc at the helm, and Gannet by Alexander's side, I made the kitchen my own, making a ham and carrot stew. By the time it was ready for serving, the crew had flocked to the kitchen.

It is here, amongst the chit-chat of the canteen, that I slowly slurped on my own stew, and recounted the trip's events to this point, and by the time I finish, most have departed.

In Silas' name, I record this for history to not forget.

@Ddaug02 @Spear @Tayo @Raith @Kyle1322 @Balatro @Sushiship @bettemus99



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I was going to post part two tonight, but everything is written ICly in a book. I keep lagging out and it's driving me bonkers, so I'll post it in around twelve hours!



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
A Journey in to the Endless Blue
Part Two

Dalinar Klavier

It has been at least, what, two weeks since the storm? Days meander in to one another, at this stage. There is only so much a world of blue can entertain. In all these days, the most interesting thing even was a whale breaching in the far-off distance. I’ve spent most of my time alone, writing or thinking. That’s not to say I’ve been unsociable, having been careful to not devoid myself of social interaction. We’re running out of food, but Alexander constantly reassures us that the nets are keeping us going. Honestly? We’re barely catching enough fish to feed a ship of beggars, but at least it keeps the hunger at bay. Septimus has counter seventeen days so far, which is longer than I’d have ever imagined. Gods what I’d do for a roast.

I think things are slowly growing tense between certain crew members. I’ve never been one for fiction, but the romanticisation of a journey into the unknown is outrageous in novels! I can’t believe it! I find myself most at ease with Septimus. Oddly, I enjoy his silence. When I need jovial entertainment, mind you, neither Cedric nor Jaxon are far from reach. While at the bow of Jax’s Luck, with Septimus, I was sure I had heard a bit of a scuffle. It wound up being between my friend Jaxon, and the small woman, Adiella. I’m not any bit surprised, truth be told. I’m just glad it ended quickly.

Luckily, not long after the ‘incident’, yells began to come, from the Starboard side. Look at me! Learning the lingo, too! Eager to figure out what in the name of all that was quiet was going on. I tailed Septimus to discover that another net was beginning to be hauled up, and it was not light! It was only the one fish, but the air certainly buzzed with excitement. AT first, nobody was quite sure what it was. Mila, Jaxon, Hancock, and Flint did most of the work, as far as I saw. Jaxon working surprised me the most, as I had expected him to be taking it easy until we found land. While the fishers wrangled with the sea-beast, Septimus wandered off to fetch a sword, and made it back in time to see the fish be hauled over the railing. A mess of bodies hid the fish from my view at first, as there were people left right and centre trying to kill the damn thing! Mind you, the look of horror on Jaxon’s face when Flint missed the thing, and ended up tearing the net.

The Jaxfish, is what I’ve named this beast. From tip to tail, it was as long as I am tall, and looks to weigh upwards of thirty six lbs! The scales on this beast are something fantastic, a million different colours dancing and shining. I couldn’t help but start to feel a longing for my workshop, as these brilliant blues and greens made a mirror image of the gleaming gems I so often work with. I began to sketch the newfound animal, as Septimus took samples.

As if this weren’t enough excitement, a call of ‘Land!’ boomed from atop the Bird’s Nest. Commotion scurried across the deck faster than legs could carry. With screams of ‘land’ coming from all, the Captain began to issue orders, and the Jaxfish was left to be hauled below deck by myself. I hung it in the bowels of the ship, with great difficulty, mind you! With a quick nick to drain any blood, I began to skin a three centimeter by three centimeter patch.

It wasn’t long before we reached land. Sunny skies and pale beaches were our welcome. A dense forest quickly halted the spread of sand though, and obscured the rest of the land from our view.

Alexander gathered up a small crew to first touch land; Hancock, Mila, Illithior, Morna, Alexander, and I were the first to leave Jax’s Luck. The sheer excitement of the situation sent adrenaline flowing through my veins, replacing any blood. Of course, Alexander lead us, but I tailed the group with Mila, sketching as much as I could, as fast as I could. The dense forest was populated by ancient trees and deep rivers running rapidly. The thick, green canopy was broken by a harsh, stony mountain range. It was later on that I named these peaks ‘Alexander’s Waves’. It wasn’t until our return to the ship that we spotted something unusual. A huge structure hid under the water, a temple of sorts. I made a mental note of the thing, vowing to return later.

As the others began to set up and gather firewood, I settled down in the sand to begin writing. By the time I had a quill out, an explosion shook the ground, and a bright flash came from amongst the treeline. Jaxon’s streak of bad luck didn’t end on the ship, as he was unfortunately met with a Creeper. It was immediately clear that many of the creatures one may find in the Sorrowlands can also be found here. Although Jaxon had been attacked, he seemed well in the end. Undead and more roamed these lands, and they were clearly not ours.

We fought our way along the beach, establishing a foothold for the night. I use the term ‘we’ loosely, as I merely trailed behind, remaining in safety. I did take notes all the while. I made a vow, and I do not intend on breaking it. Aside from vicious beasts, the area seems to to have an unusually large population of Donkeys. Strange, but of no real concern. I began to wander slightly, but ultimately returned to the freshly built campfire, just in time for the rain to kick in. There, I proceeded to stand around like a child, as Jaxon did my fair share of work. I wasn’t entirely useless, but my excuse was I wasn’t brought along to build or fight. Once the rain had passed, Murdoc were as strong as they claimed, making short work of a gigantic tree, felling it rather rapidly.

Another few of the cheekier crew managed to burrow under a short and stumpy tree, which revealed a large opening underneath, and a place for shelter. The same was imitated further south, which provided a workspace for the scholars of the trip. I accompanied Septimus, and we were soon joined by on Eltsir.

Cedric is the child in my heart, and he seems to be getting more of a kick out of this than anyone else. Having slain slain one of those green beasts, he demanded I sketch it briefly, but I was far too tired, to be honest.

Come the morn, two expeditions set off. What happened next was a different story entirely.

My main task on this island was Cartography and sketching. I had company in the form of Murdoc’s expedition. However, that quickly went to the gutter. An outpost was set up near Mount Flint, the second largest mountain in Alexander’s Waves. Here, many fragments split off, and I began to adventure. I had company in the form of a new friend - Cedric Lydel. There is never a quiet moment with that man, let me tell you that! He was my drive and motivation, and pushed me forward every moment of every hour while we explored. My sides nearly split as we attempted to cross a small body of running water. Narrow, but deep, it blocked our path. I crossed the thing easily, but to my amusement, he missed the jump, plunging into the icy water!

The river had originated from an ice-covered fall from the tallest mountain. With a brief burst of wit, I decided to crown it the ‘Halfling’s Height’. This snow-covered peak was visible from almost everywhere on the island, only begin hidden by tall trees nearby.

Jax’s Luck came into sight, but our adventure did not end there. Cedric spotted a second temple, and took it upon us to be the first there. I was reluctant at first, but finally agreed. With very different intentions, Cedric lingered above water with me for a moment. The halfling managed to break a slab free from the roof, and dived in deep to explore. As Septimus was not with us, I decided to collect samples, for research later. I couldn’t resist the call of the unknown, and soon began to explore the flooded ruin, taking rocks here and there. Cedric did discover something of known value - a huge amount of gold! From one small venture, we both suddenly became very wealthy men.

I had returned to the surface before he, and what I saw chilled me to the core. Having surfaced through the small hole made earlier, I noticed several... things! ‘Things’ is the only word I could use to describe them, as they were fouler than anything I had ever seen before. Foul red beasts that patrolled the entrance. I yelled for Cedric, in fear that he was lost - or worse.

Panic quickly set in when he was nowhere to be found. This feeling fled as soon as it arrived, as I was quickly reassured by the sight of his small torso poking through the temple roof.

In a hurry, we began to flee. Beelining for the shore, we were soon attacked by a large, hideous beast - an illusion of some sort. By the time I made it ashore, there was a weakness in my bones, with the like I had never felt before. I lay in the sand, desperate to shake this feeling. When it had passed, I began to wander off, only to find Septimus returning from a similar venture. Having found a new source of bravery, I dove back in once more. Joined by Septimus, Hancock, Cedric and Alexander. The latter two remained outside, where the mirage had attacked once more. We, the other three, ventured inside to a temple unknown. There, we found the mirage - save for it was no illusion.

This is the reason I know my first two experiences were naught but tricks. The beast, in the flesh, was far more terrifying than anything I had seen before. It was here, that Septimus and Hancock slew that beast. I did play my own part, keeping the beast’s attention as long as I possibly could. The return trip was long an arduous, as the beast was hauled back to the Scholar’s quarters.

For almost the entire night, the three of us - Septimus, Eltsir, and myself - discussed this beast, the temple, and more.

Having formed a think-tank, of sorts, it was not air we were breathing that night, but ideas. As I sketched, and Septimus took endless samples, we all began to debate and discuss, until the sun was shining once more. With this quill, I spewed forth my memories, onto this book.

In Silas’ name, I record this for history not forget

@Ddaug02 @Spear @Tayo @Raith @Kyle1322 @Balatro @Sushiship @bettemus99 @Eltsir

Thanks to the amazingly awesome @Michcat for the amazing Jaxfish sketch! (IC name for the Dorado)

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Lord of Altera
Idea, since your majestic ship is docked in our harbor, how would you like the idea of building An Office/Warehouse/Living Quarters for the Organization in Azerport?


Daedric Prince
We're going to need some doctors.. that's for sure. I remember how many injuries there were last time


Lord of Altera
Looking for two more infantry members, one doctor, one carpenter, and a new Lead Scholar and Quartermaster. Will have a complete crew once those positions are covered.
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Have a character with mediocre but possibly life-saving medical skills, would be willing to doc.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Som could likely be a ship's doctor... but Somplayer probably cannot participate due to logistical reasons.

Plus, there's the whole "IC" thing that might throw a spanner in the works.


Dark Council Elite
Looking for two more infantry members, one doctor, one carpenter, and a new Lead Scholar and Quartermaster. Will have a complete crew once those positions are covered.
q q q q q q uaaartermaster for the recently re-grown-hands Archaeus, mayhaps?


Lord of Altera
Som could likely be a ship's doctor... but Somplayer probably cannot participate due to logistical reasons.

Plus, there's the whole "IC" thing that might throw a spanner in the works.
Would love to have you if you could :D Screw them logistical reasons.