Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Eyes of Silas


Lord of Altera

The crew is almost full, if you are still interested and haven't become part of the crew yet let me know!
The following positions are still available:




+ One more sailor(Infantry)

+One more scholar

+First Hand


Lord of Altera
you hire me for my navigating skills, then make me a rigger.

what's Winry got that I don't, eh?????

(this is joke)


Lord of Altera
Crew restart. A new crew will be added before the launch of Over the Horizon (Part 2) event. If you joined in the past voyage and are not still on the crew list, contact me and I will likely give you priority to join on the next voyage.


Lord of Altera
Can those who weren't on the last one still go?
Absolutely. There will be some drop-outs from the old crew that need to be replaced, and I may end up increasing the crew size a tad to allow more people to come along. But either way there is going to be competition for the open spots aboard the crew, so bring everything you have to offer! I'll be welcoming aboard the best candidates I get for the given positions.