Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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_MrMilker_'s 3rd (and hopefully final) Application [Approved-Abbey]


Legend of Altera
About you

1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

_MrMilker_ (Because MrMilker and Mr_Milker were taken :mad:)
2) How old are you?

I am in my mid teens. Currently attending high-school.

3) Where are you?

East Coast, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe #5018937459145 :)p)

4) Have you read our guides yet?

Yes, but I will brush up on them before logging on ;)

5) Introduce yourself!

I am currently attending high-school and hope to get some sort of degree in computer coding. I enjoy watching videos on Youtube and playing games on Steam. I have a dog, 2 parents, and a brother (who does not know my password to this account ;)). Life in general is rough but I've made it this far and still have far to go.

6) Got any examples of your work?

I have noticed during the month that I have been stalking the Hollowworld forums while trying to get the problems with my minecraft account sorted out, that I seem to have a knack for writing stories (in my own oppinion :p). Here is the link to my first character's back-story

About your character


Unknown, only a mage with the power to pry deep into his memories would be able to know *Meta-Gaming Warning!*

He is known as The Ender Assassin.


In his late 20's to early 30's.




I have his skin made but have no idea how to upload it here :oops:

The test:

This is his back-story re-written and re-designed from the link posted above. Enjoy.

Once upon the time of peace, before the opening of the gate to the domain of the Ancient Enemy, he had but one dream, to be the one that slayed the Ender Dragon, and to reap the rewards of riches he was sure existed. Months and Months he spent digging for a mysterious stronghold which would contain the portal to The End. He eventually found the stronghold, and inside it, the gateway to his future. He was able to activate it with the use of mystical items he learned about in a dream he is sure was from the gods. He charged through the portal, prepared to face anything that lay on the other side. What he found was a place of dark and alien energy, located in the void. He had found The End. It was filled with the creatures he had slain hundreds of to get there, the Endermen, and circling above, receiving power and energy from the tops of massive black obelisks, was the beast. The battle with the dragon and her minions was long and brutal, but the dragon came out on top. Lying there bleeding on the cold yellow stone with her looming over. Just as soon as he was sure his life was at an end, in The End...

...she spared him.

With the shock and relief one feels when realizing they are not going to die. She decided to give him her blessing, along side the purple eyes of an Enderman and the knowledge of the gifts of the Endermen, the Ender Pearl. For he had earned her interest. She shot him forward through time and back to Altera, where he was to live out the rest of his days to do as he wished, while all she would do is watch.

Using his skills in theft and working with the criminal underground, he "aquired" the tools and supplies he needed and carved his lair inside of a mountain, laying traps for those who would seek to get at the hoard of riches he had amassed. Brewing poisons made from Elven Poison Mushrooms and the eyes of spiders found inside of the deepest caverns. Finding the right mixture that would snuff out the flame of life before their corpse reached the floor. He erected shrines in the name of Skeira and The Grey Lady, as well as the Queen of the End, The Ender Dragon. He now takes up contracts from those who will pay gold to see their enemies head roll. Be them Dwarves, Greylings, or Nakam, he makes no prejudice about who he works for, only what he is payed, for he has an unquenchable greed and does anything to satisfy it.

He now lives and works with but one fear...

...loosing it all...

(i have cleared this with Naelwyn and have designed it so he was shot forward in time to the present from before the time of the first nether-portal, poor guy doesn't know that the Ender Dragon is dead :p)

I am open to feedback and am willing to tweak and change my character's bakground if need be.


Lord of Altera
Hi MrMilker!
So glad to meet you, but we have a slight problem...

No ender assassins!
Plus the ender dragon never existed...

You've worked hard on your application. I loved the reading, but it doesn't follow the lore. We don't have any ender creatures... I really want to approve this.. so I'm going to make a deal.

I know you ran this by Naelwyn, but I don't agree with it. I'm going to make you write something short.

I want you to write a small paragraph through a simple character of your choice. Possibly a cook or a farmer.. write about a day in the life. I want you to write through the simple mind of one. Currently you're character's earnings have all come from his backstory.. You need to earn your abilities and skills through time and roleplays.

One you do that.. I will gladly approve this. :)



Legend of Altera


Naelwyn said that there was a large event/battle/thing against the ender-dragon before he joined the server. I assumed that would be ok and modified my char's background so that he was shot forward in time to the present.

Oh well :cool:

I'll get to work!

Btw thanks for the complement about his background.

We will call this a work of fiction by some anonymous writer ;)


Legend of Altera
Journal entry number 126
I'm finally ready! It's time to make a name for myself! I'm going to get off this stinking farm and make a name for myself! My grandfather/great-grandfather (depending on how long ago the first exile was, i don't know) was part of the exile long ago and was the first person to lay eyes on this plot of land that is my family's farm, more like a prison if you ask me. My parents want me to stay here and work on the farm, no way! I have much bigger things planned, much bigger. Tomorrow night I'll slip out and board a ship for Port Silver. Old fisherman Greg says the ocean is quite rough this time of year but I'll be fine. I just hope someone will hire me...

He should have listened to old fisherman Greg. Three days into the voyage, a savage storm battered the ship from every conceivable angle. A rogue wave nearly capsizing it. For the next few days it slowly sank as it drifted far off course. He drifted to a beach several miles from a small settlement. This is where the Sisterhood found him. He had lost everything but the clothes off his back. The Sisterhood took him back to the Grove of Shalaherana.

This is where his adventure starts...

The next chapter has begun.


Lord of Altera
Your application is almost ready to be approved, all you need to do is answer the two following questions correctly. You will be able to find all the answers either on our forums or on the wiki, the link for which can be found near the top of the page. Remember to read everything carefully, some of the answers may be rather discreet.

What's our policy on mob-grinding?
How do you check your money in-game?


Legend of Altera
Mob grinding is a big no-no. Hollowworld wants things like mob drops and xp to be earned, not collected.

/money to see how much you got

Gotta get me som'a dat sweet sweet cash!


Lord of Altera
I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)

Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Where to vote for us
Tips on roleplay
How to use the forum
Hollow World Texture pack
Role-Play training camp
The Players' Handbook
The Role-Play Character Assistance Team(RP-CAT)

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.