Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Strange Bottle

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Lord of Altera
A strange bottle has been found in the high waters of Port Silver. Recently with the odd floodings, what is inside the bottle may hopefully answer the question of what is happening. Or it just might be an odd bottle of ale crossin' the seas. Within the bottle there was a note, and a drawing of Cutthroat Cove.
The note says:
What is happening with the ocean? Why is the tide rising?


King ForumStalker
If it is not stopped, not only will Port silver be submerged... the water will rise until it hits the atmosphere... even places such as Tauredal and Rota Magna will be drowned....


Retired Staff
If it is not stopped, not only will Port silver be submerged... the water will rise until it hits the atmosphere... even places such as Tauredal and Rota Magna will be drowned....
The sky is the limit! Oh wait...


Lord of Altera
Aye, im counting on it.

But we're possibly gonna be the last people to drown, our tall trees will keep us above the surface :D

Or at least, for now ;)

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Global warning I tell you!!! All the greenhouse gasses that China and the US the dwarves are emitting!! Now you may have me excused because I'm going to make a raft and then make 135 minutes long movie about it called "Wateraltera".


Lord of Altera
If you can or cannot tell, we are planning something. :)

Now just a note: There has been LOTS of meta gaming already. People whom know somewhat what is going on ooc but are using it in-character. Your characters should know almost nothing. You do know about this note but all assumptions must make sense. Thank you.


Non sum qualis eram
Observer, being what he is, totally knows what's happening, because I was actually at one of the teaser startup RPs.

It's my thing, I guess. I possess the meta-power of being totally ignored if I don't speak.


Lord of Altera
Bah, Arcturus will use its technologies to build a floating armada to survive.
Edit: and besides, the only thing we always get in our desert is rain ;<


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Is that second picture a screenshot of pirate's cove? Should we be heading there to search for clues, or is the event ready yet?
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