Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Abob - Whitelist Application [Approved - Tantara]


1. Your Minecraft username:
- Abob
2. Age:
- 19
3. Gender:
- Male
4. Country:
- The Netherlands
5. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?
- I have read it and i agree to the terms.

6. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?
- I enjoy roleplaying, where you need to live in a town and build your own house. I used to play on Arma 2 RP server which i enjoyed cus it wasnt very hardcore but you couldnt be an idiot who just went on a killing spree which i feel this server has the same as that Arma server. Where you cant go around griefing but you dont need to act as if this is your 2nd life.
- I played World of warcraft where i had an alt on a RP server ( Argent Dawn ). And i always liked talking with people about killing bosses but then from the view of the hero.
- I used to play on a Zargabad Roleplay server on Arma 2.
I use a pirate skin on minecraft

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
My real name is Sam and i've enjoyed playing games for over 8 years. I used to play football and even when i was little i used to do RP cus when i was +/- 7 we used to play "Army" where we went into the woods near my house with fake guns and had a war. I've also enjoyed doing model buildings mainly Cars and tanks. ( Yes this all sounds very nerdy but thats who i am ). I work as a nurse in an old persons home and i'll be going back to school in september cus i'd like to get a bit higher up. I finished school for my 1st diploma only 2 weeks ago but as a guy its pretty simple to find work in this branche cus almost no guys want to do this job. My favorite tv series is Band of Brothers and for the rest i mainly just watch films or comedy central.
I'm interested in joining this server cus it seems like a very proffesional server where not every random guy can join to destroy everything. I've always had an interest for the Technic packs and this seems like the perfect server for it. I also love farming in minecraft and theres so much more ores to find now that it is so much more fun for me.​

8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
I'm not that good of a builder so i normally do the farming while Scottaai or Bairdicus builds stuff. But i can do a pretty nice looking house.

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
I used to have a diffrent account but after i asked steel he said that name was not allowed so i bought this account of a person i know. The password and e-mail addres are changed to mine so he wont be able to log into it. I know that account sharing is not allowed but this is my account since 06/03/2012.

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
Yes i dont use any of that stuff anyway. The whole fun is finding ore, its no fun if you see it sitting somewhere.

11. How did you find out about our server?
Some other people who play on this server told me about it. ( Scottaai - 0bairdicus0 Satsuthegreat )

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)
I did just before creating the application!


Resigned Admin
I'm going to accept you :)
Before you do anything, I really recommend flipping through the Altera Census to get a feel for the possible towns in Altera. When you start, you'll spawn in the town of Brustenburg. Use the Altera Survival Guide to find your way to Port Silver and the docks there to start to visit towns that you'd like. You've got to live in a town on this server, so its beneficial to know what sort of town you're looking for when you start.
Also, please read the rules one last time on the wiki tab to make sure that you've got a handle of things. I'd like to put an extra emphasis on the anti x-ray rule. Any use of black magic will be discovered.
Feel free to pm myself or any other mod/admin with any questions that you may have. Users with a red name in-game are moderators or admins.

Anyways, welcome to Altera!


King of the north!
You applied for the technic server in the altera server forums sam, GG xD

Also tantara, read applications properly, you should have spotted that -.- lol


Resigned Admin
You applied for the technic server in the altera server forums sam, GG xD

Also tantara, read applications properly, you should have spotted that -.- lol
I thought he wanted both o_o
Is the technic server rp? I was under the impression that it wasn't


I'm gonne go ahead and... hate scott, since he told me i needed to apply here. I already thought it was a bit weird since the technic server didnt sound very medieval or rp like