Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Addressing Concerns

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The Arbiter of the Gods
Blizzard don't consult their player base regarding their next expansion or story progression and neither do Turbine or heaps of other MMO companies I could mention. You are expected to play the game - enjoy the world and stay in-character and react accordingly. This is a roleplaying server not an RPG Construction Set where everyone has the controls. So go and roleplay and stop jumping out into OOC complaining about every step we make.
Sorry, not really a Blizzard fan, but as far as I know Diablo III online shop was a terrible decision... so was the always online DRM...
And Mists of Pandaria could have received more positive reviews too. That's what happens when there isn't enough information.

You misunderstood and assumed, as did I. You think companies don't ask their players questions? Oh they do. That's what focus groups and questionnaires are for. Actually, that's the whole point of marketing - to find out if the product or service will be met with satisfaction. Companies that don't look into customers' satisfaction are ones like EA, Microsoft or Activision to name but a few.

And besides, my negativity is shown through constructive criticism, not straight-up pulling down of the player who wants to make a difference. Notice that I admitted to being wrong and corrected my point of argument accordingly.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Also, a beautiful point made by Goldengem.

... what I don't understand is the likeness to tabletop Rp or an MMORPG
The beuty of being an Mc server is that its MC, the bottomless well of creative tools that can be exploited to create and sustain a world that makes people happy
Like, a tabletop game is for like five people. An MMORPG for thousands
The server we're on's for a community of friends that have proved they can do amazing things together


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Also, a beautiful point made by Goldengem.

... what I don't understand is the likeness to tabletop Rp or an MMORPG
The beuty of being an Mc server is that its MC, the bottomless well of creative tools that can be exploited to create and sustain a world that makes people happy
Like, a tabletop game is for like five people. An MMORPG for thousands
The server we're on's for a community of friends that have proved they can do amazing things together
That isn't true. People become friends on this server through roleplay, they don't necessarily start out as friends. As a matter of fact; I knew nobody here when I joined, and I've only had to friends sign up, everyone else I made friends with while playing. If you think you cannot do that in an MMO or a tabletop then you're playing them wrong.

And the reason this is being compared to that of an MMO or a tabletop is because this server is primarily a roleplaying server, we simply use Minecraft because it, as you said, makes building a world easier. The server acts like it is an MMO or a tabletop because we are a community of mutliplayer roleplayers, something we have in common with MMO and tabletops. The systems used are similar, hence the likeness.


The Kingdom Crusher
Well, of course you don't start out as friends. Though the community's loyal because of the community. To be honest, I've rarely met friendlier people in my life outside of only my best friends, two of who play on here. Hence why I don't see staff as staff or my boss, just people who want to help out. MMOs are made for money and tabletops for a group of people who probably are linked IRL, was my point. This is just a format to meet more of those lovely people and cultivate the experience to try and make it as fun and creative as possible.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Well, of course you don't start out as friends. Though the community's loyal because of the community. To be honest, I've rarely met friendlier people in my life outside of only my best friends, two of who play on here. Hence why I don't see staff as staff or my boss, just people who want to help out. MMOs are made for money and tabletops for a group of people who probably are linked IRL, was my point. This is just a format to meet more of those lovely people and cultivate the experience to try and make it as fun and creative as possible.
I think you confuse us as a creative server. We are not.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Sorry, not really a Blizzard fan, but as far as I know Diablo III online shop was a terrible decision... so was the always online DRM...
And Mists of Pandaria could have received more positive reviews too. That's what happens when there isn't enough information.

You misunderstood and assumed, as did I. You think companies don't ask their players questions? Oh they do. That's what focus groups and questionnaires are for. Actually, that's the whole point of marketing - to find out if the product or service will be met with satisfaction. Companies that don't look into customers' satisfaction are ones like EA, Microsoft or Activision to name but a few.

And besides, my negativity is shown through constructive criticism, not straight-up pulling down of the player who wants to make a difference. Notice that I admitted to being wrong and corrected my point of argument accordingly.
Also, a beautiful point made by Goldengem.

... what I don't understand is the likeness to tabletop Rp or an MMORPG
The beuty of being an Mc server is that its MC, the bottomless well of creative tools that can be exploited to create and sustain a world that makes people happy
Like, a tabletop game is for like five people. An MMORPG for thousands
The server we're on's for a community of friends that have proved they can do amazing things together
When someone uses a comparison, they are not trying to indicate these two things to be exactly alike- but similar. I really don't see where you are getting at here, as you are now trying to point out faults in places that are not HollowWorld and seemed to have missed the presented point entirely. While you did "correct your argument accordingly", this stream of negativity lends your posts a very definite nature of disrespect. The Staff Team- The entire community- has clear rules on contempt, disrespect, trolling, and general negativity. When you bring up arguments that are faulty due to their inherent nature (You are not a Council member, nor a Moderator, nor an Admin, nor one of the Lore Team. Those with constructive and wonderful additions to this community are added to the Council in which they positively contribute. You might call this our 'focus group'), it often dampens the enjoyment of others within Altera, within the entire server community.
It was stated previously in this thread, but I believe I must make this clearer. We kindly request you change your attitude towards this community, or respectfully request you no longer contribute.

Well, of course you don't start out as friends. Though the community's loyal because of the community. To be honest, I've rarely met friendlier people in my life outside of only my best friends, two of who play on here. Hence why I don't see staff as staff or my boss, just people who want to help out. MMOs are made for money and tabletops for a group of people who probably are linked IRL, was my point. This is just a format to meet more of those lovely people and cultivate the experience to try and make it as fun and creative as possible.
I think what angryboy was trying to say- As I outlined above- Is how we use the medium as a "similar" point to address some things brought out by Polo. In no way are we trying to make Altera a MMO or massive DnD Campaign, but there are similarities in how some things function. The community here is definitely what makes this place amazing.
(I also believe Cherbert refers to a creative free-build server, where all members possess creative-mode)

I would like that, actually. Because as far as I know, other than not comprehend some solutions to puzzles, I preformed magic fairly and with the proper roleplay.
If you really would like me to, I will stop using it. The only reason I use it is because it is clearer to read.
Yar, remind me to throw a convo at you or grab you ingame post-event.
Also- Its all good, yo! I initially started using it for much the same reason, although probably different intent.

Edit: A few spelling mistakes.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I feel like my words are getting ignored again. I wish to contribute, but tell me how will you listen? You swiftly avoided many previous criticisms, and you're avoiding them now too, saying I'm being too negative when in truth I'm not. I've actually been far worse than this and I had hoped that my relations with the staff were improving, which I very much wanted. But when I try to tell you "look, something's up" and what I get is "you're being too negative", then I'm sorry but I will start to get negative, and sometimes aggressive. As much as in the past weeks I have been trying to work with the staff, there are points at which this cannot be achieved, even if opposing means the loss of relations. The first point was not negative at all - it reflected a very valid criticism towards how things are run and, while misinformed (which was one of the main points), it seriously reflected views of some of the people towards the server. Do you honestly think I get a kick out of this? That in some sick way I find it fun to destroy your dreams? No, but I want the server to thrive. The opportunities for that lower with every bad decision though, and if someone doesn't point to those bad decisions they will be repeated. For this I don't actually blame staff, but I urge you to actually look at the reasons behind my posts, a large portion of which are valid concerns, while some just being stupid gibberish, and then draw conclusions. On top of that, I'd love to see those who up until now remained quiet about things to speak out. Not in an aggressive way, but in a form of constructive criticism which will hopefully allow the staff to adjust itself accordingly. I know there are quite a lot of people that are like this, since I keep contact with many. I understand that you may not wish to step up, and that's fine too.


Lord of Altera
I'm very confused that you're trying to point out issues in the communication of the server on a thread that was addressing concerns of the playerbase..

But still.. I don't really understand what you're asking for when you want information.. is it a "How To:" thing or hints on how to (oh good I'm running myself in circles-) do or find things. Your posts imply that we're just throwing people blind into events with a cloth over their eyes and say "Go find the pin on the floor for special stuffs." Which I hope that's not what's being implied- because that's certainly not the case..

I went exploring around the Cathedral in RP (and ooc for taking screenshots) for around 1 or 2 hours and found some really interesting stuff.. I mean.. Doesn't anyone else find it really interesting how much the corrupted Guard it? It's instantly sent my curiosity through the roof, but clearly- I wont know why unless I investigate, I might get my char hurt or killed but I wanna find out-

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: There are hints and information already out there waiting for people to take a look and realise what they've found, or investigate hints that are sitting there going "Heyyy, heeeyyy, take a screenshot and spread the news.", it just takes initiative to look for them.


Lord of Altera
On another note of Initiative (Which is one of my favourite words-), during the Jax event, I had brought Amaryllis Quinn to it, my completely normal character (at least intended that way, because her normal RP makes me happy. Greet people, sell bread, talk, say bye) and she sat there watching others gamble with someone that looked like her father Fastidious Quinn who disappeared ages ago (Lost access to the account). Anyway, when it was time for the event to end, the HourGlass disappeared, the table as well, I could have sat there and continued to say and do nothing, continue to be a bystander, continue to just watch, but I was curious and simply asked Jax a question.

The answer blew me away- I freaked out about it, I found out some stuff about Jax, but also about the other gods, and now Amaryllis gets to question which Gods she supports- I never expected development for her, but I got some and I love it~


Yū Yi
Can I just say that both sides have points I agree on.

But to just say one thing... This whole conversation makes me a little sad. Not cause it seems that negative critic is (with good personal reason I know) ill taken, but I think it maybe should be seen as an example. Maybe look at it and think "others may also think like this". Currently this seems to be going more over to a personal battle between Polo and admins.. Which doesn't get us to far.

But I think this should get a convo or a thread for itself.

p.s. I am only writing based on what my eyes report to my brain


The Arbiter of the Gods
I'm very confused that you're trying to point out issues in the communication of the server on a thread that was addressing concerns of the playerbase..

But still.. I don't really understand what you're asking for when you want information.. is it a "How To:" thing or hints on how to (oh good I'm running myself in circles-) do or find things. Your posts imply that we're just throwing people blind into events with a cloth over their eyes and say "Go find the pin on the floor for special stuffs." Which I hope that's not what's being implied- because that's certainly not the case..

I went exploring around the Cathedral in RP (and ooc for taking screenshots) for around 1 or 2 hours and found some really interesting stuff.. I mean.. Doesn't anyone else find it really interesting how much the corrupted Guard it? It's instantly sent my curiosity through the roof, but clearly- I wont know why unless I investigate, I might get my char hurt or killed but I wanna find out-

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: There are hints and information already out there waiting for people to take a look and realise what they've found, or investigate hints that are sitting there going "Heyyy, heeeyyy, take a screenshot and spread the news.", it just takes initiative to look for them.
Lack of information can be a two-sided thing. On one hand, there is lack of information that the players receive. No, I don't want hand-holding, but it'd be great to see some clarification before it's too late. A foothold to start us with. More often or not we're not told how to start doing things. We have an intelligent enough community to figure things out from there, but that initial push has to be delivered from the staff, else we don't know how to even try to approach it. I'll give a good example, and props for, the god summoning event. We were told it's possible, so we tried it. Now we have a whole series of events dedicated to this. Another thing is communication between the staff and the players (not the other way around, there is a difference). Basic questionnaires asking theoretical questions and small focus groups of different players, that's sort of jazz. You'll receive a very informative piece and the players won't even need to realise what they've been answering has led to these and not other decisions.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Can I just say that both sides have points I agree on.

But to just say one thing... This whole conversation makes me a little sad. Not cause it seems that negative critic is (with good personal reason I know) ill taken, but I think it maybe should be seen as an example. Maybe look at it and think "others may also think like this". Currently this seems to be going more over to a personal battle between Polo and admins.. Which doesn't get us to far.

But I think this should get a convo or a thread for itself.

p.s. I am only writing based on what my eyes report to my brain
*Puts on Lenin mask* ;P


Lord of Altera
Lack of information can be a two-sided thing. On one hand, there is lack of information that the players receive. No, I don't want hand-holding, but it'd be great to see some clarification before it's too late. A foothold to start us with. More often or not we're not told how to start doing things. We have an intelligent enough community to figure things out from there, but that initial push has to be delivered from the staff, else we don't know how to even try to approach it. I'll give a good example, and props for, the god summoning event. We were told it's possible, so we tried it. Now we have a whole series of events dedicated to this. Another thing is communication between the staff and the players (not the other way around, there is a difference). Basic questionnaires asking theoretical questions and small focus groups of different players, that's sort of jazz. You'll receive a very informative piece and the players won't even need to realise what they've been answering has led to these and not other decisions.
Where is this lack of information?

But also a point, making questionnaires, getting them filled and processed would take dedication and time that currently at this time, we're unable to do.


Yū Yi
Ah- I don't mean to sound rude >_> I tend to ask questions bluntly
I am just refering that the general mood in this conversation isn't really constructive, but more a personal battle... it started out well, but where there was supposed to be a breakdown and a short time-out... There was a continues debate.

Anyways... this isn't meant for anyone special, but just this general thread currently


The Arbiter of the Gods
Where is this lack of information?

But also a point, making questionnaires, getting them filled and processed would take dedication and time that currently at this time, we're unable to do.
Ask someone to do it. I could do it if you want me to. I'd be more than glad to report what the community feels, as I have been so far (As a matter of fact, for the past hour I was gathering statistics on the playerbase and preparing a first questionnaire that would not seem biased towards either side, privately, moreso than publicly... :p). And check through some of questions to which we were replied with "SPOILERS" to see lack of information. There are things we're perfectly informed about, then there are things that we maay not particularly get as much info on as we should.

And you and I alike ask things blunty, Sally :p

I am just refering that the general mood in this conversation isn't really constructive, but more a personal battle... it started out well, but where there was supposed to be a breakdown and a short time-out... There was a continues debate.

Anyways... this isn't meant for anyone special, but just this general thread currently
Debates don't always have a timeout, and I think both the staff and I have made our own little breaks, as I am right now. :p


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Lack of information can be a two-sided thing. On one hand, there is lack of information that the players receive.
We provide the information. Like said several times, you've got to put in the effort to finding that information. Before becoming staff, I was pursuing the path of magic. I learned tons of information regarding it after multiple RPs with multiple people. You're not going to learn anything if you refuse to RP with people. The information is certainly there, you've just got to look for it.


Yū Yi
Ask someone to do it. I could do it if you want me to. I'd be more than glad to report what the community feels, as I have been so far (As a matter of fact, for the past hour I was gathering statistics on the playerbase and preparing a first questionnaire that would not seem biased towards either side, privately, moreso than publicly... :p). And check through some of questions to which we were replied with "SPOILERS" to see lack of information. There are things we're perfectly informed about, then there are things that we maay not particularly get as much info on as we should.

And you and I alike ask things blunty, Sally :p

Debates don't always have a timeout, and I think both the staff and I have made our own little breaks, as I am right now. :p
They doesn't always /have/ one... Doesn't mean that they don't need one sometimes.

A pause is good for thinking isntead of typing something that you later regret cause you were catched by the moment


Lord of Altera
I just woke up, so I guess I've already had my break? xD

I would prefer a staff member to handle the questionnaire.. but also I can't help but feel that my question before was ignored.. what is this information that we're not giving?


The Arbiter of the Gods
And check through some of questions to which we were replied with "SPOILERS" to see lack of information. There are things we're perfectly informed about, then there are things that we maay not particularly get as much info on as we should.
I would prefer a staff member to handle the questionnaire
The staff is too busy and you say you'd rather staff do it?
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