Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Aeyeras Capital City. Heavens Reach, City of Wonders


Lord of Altera
my suggestion is that you first have a good look around a bunch of towns and read up on their stories before making decisions. Changing towns later on might be much more difficult than you might think.
We'd be happy to welcome you, but we're really looking for players that stay for the long run.


After looking through all the other cities, none really stick out to me except this one. It's really my style and I think I could really fit in here, however I do have one concern, and that's housing. I build extremely similar to the way this town is built, but I'm pretty picky on the house I live in. Could I maybe be allowed to build my own house? Or at least work 1 on 1 with a builder to design a house a like? Because once I'm in a house I'm in for good. So I'm pretty picky, maybe that's a flaw :/ I'd really like to join you guys too, and if my partner gets accepted I think he'll really like this place and want to settle down. What do you say do you have room for a farmer and a blacksmith? I'm sure we'd be good members of your town! :)


Retired Staff
Oooh yess, we need a blacksmith. And a farmer as well. As far as your house is concerned, we'd like you to take a look at the current in- and exterior of the houses and see what fits best. I do think we could adjust a house if you desire it as such, but there isn't much space for another house :p.
I'll tag some people in the hope they can get you settled, I have to go to work in a few minutes.
@bodejodel @Redocs @DraconDarknight


Lord of Altera
Yes we do indeed need a farmer, and can set you up with a farmhouse, as the Forge is still not available...

Please note though that houses in heaven's reach cost 3000 Rads per month (which isn't much), at least that was the last price I remember.
The farm costs less per month has the requirement to actually work it and fill the food/leather stores of the town though.
For the actual price on it @Kvote
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Retired Staff
We'll work something out, in stead of money we wouldn't mind an active input either (so if you actively build/rp we reduce the rent).


Alright, after bringing him to Heaven's Reach, I think Koorban's a fan of living in a town, rather than in the sorrows XD
He just had a few concerns, he wanted me to ask you if you already had a farmer and blacksmith and you just need extras or if you dont have any, and need them.
He's also asked if we'd just move into a premade home or if we'd get a new one(not a big deal just curious) He was also curious how you guys do money, do you have a shop or what? Cause he wants to make good Rads soon. Idk, could you get back to us? You can find us in game we're on pretty often @ Vipsanius and @Koorban
Thanks :)


Lord of Altera
All houses in heaven's reacha re pre-made.
And no we got neither, but personally I'd prefer if the blacksmith would be taken up by someone with a high MCMMO repair-skill, as we are lacking people able to repair diamond and enchanted gear.


Retired Staff
@DraconDarknight Something is better than nothing, there are only a few with repair 250, and those that have it either left, or are very rare. Most houses in Heaven's Reach have shops, and we've got a rather large market place down at the docks, both can be used (I guess). We don't have a farmer and a blacksmith yet, so both would be great to have. For the time being, we'd rather have you move into an existing home, because we lack space for new houses.