Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alphonse's Prayers


Lord of Altera
Alphonse closed the cathedral doors behind him and the first thing anyone would notice was the great echoing sound that filled the church as the door closed shut. It was empty in there. This was a time of day when no one was attending to the altars and no one was in the great crypts below. Here he was truly alone.
He walked through the middle passage between pews to the opposite end of the church where the altars stood. Each footstep echoed along the way there. Eventually he reached Her altar. On its surface was painted Her colour and above it there was draped a banner of her standard. He placed one hand on its surface and began to mouth his prayer, his eyes looking somewhere far beyond the extent of the chapel in which he stood, silently. In fact, it was all silent. Not a single sound could be heard except perhaps the sound of his lips and tongue moving as he mouthed his prayers in silence.
"My fair creator, many of my kind have forgotten your words, your decree. You certainly have not. Over time we have grown weaker and weaker, but soon we will rise again, we, your children. We will soon return to our rightful, dominant place in this world of ours. We will cease to fail you and your decree. We Elves will return to the old way of being united. We will resurrect true Elven traditions. For you, we will not only survive, we will not only persist stagnant as we have been as of late, but we will grow ever stronger. For you we will thrive. I plea that You not forsake any elf that acts for our benefit. Beyond that, my lady, I ask for little."
Then Alphonse began to speak, but only in whisper, reciting a few of the words recited to the Elves by She Herself upon eve of their first creation.
"And I grant you dominion over all you see before you, but be wary for the night is dark and filled with terrors. So you shall strike down these terrors with great vengeance and furious anger upon all who would attempt to poison and destroy your brothers. And they will know your name is the Lord when you lay your dominance upon them..."