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Altera's creature anatomy and information discussion


Lord of Altera
This thread is for discussing how the creatures in Altera look and work, such as creepers and how they explode or even how a race looks like and were they establish.


Lord of Altera
it would be impossible (subject to change.) for something that has decayed for so long that it's sensory abilities have stayed the same. This must be subject to dark magic or something along those lines.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Then we can blame dark magic. I was thinking more along the lines of natural anatomy, sorry.


Hollows Explorer
I believe it is through echolocation that they see. The simple clank they make vibrates throughout a 25-block radius, finding anything that isnt a creature of the night. That is how they see, but how they can recognize the difference between a human and a zombie, that i believe to be black magic.


Hollows Explorer
As you may know, i am a professor of White Magic. I have looked into this, and i have found that there can be many things. Such as Nether portals. They emit extreme amounts of black magic. Also, the invading species we call endermen. These pearls they carry are enchanted in many ways. I have never been able to do anything with one, besides apply small amounts of blaze powder to them. They become sort of tracking devices. Other than these two possible explanations, i am not sure.


Hollows Explorer
They seem to have extreme pride issues. I believe they are simply just racist, they believe the way we live to honor the gods is a waste of time. Even a simple gesture, such as a glance, is taken offensively. I don't specifically hate them, but i do not enjoy their presence in our realm.


Hollows Explorer
I believe there was, but none returned but one. He came back, completely mad. He was muttering something about dragons... I tried to reach into his mind to find out what he was thinking, but all i saw was a pair of terrible, pulsating purple eyes....


Hollows Explorer
Indeed. I suggest that we try again, but not bring those only strong in courage. But those who are mentally capable of withstanding a fight. I have ventured into the nether, and did not enjoy that. I can only imagine what it would be like to venture in what could be essentially called "The Nether's Nether."


Hollows Explorer
I would be glad to accompany you. I have had no family killed by these monsters. But, i have watched others suffer at the hands of a demon. I vowed to end the spread of evil throughout Altera. My Art of white magic is a weakness to these fools. Another weakness is willpower. Which, you seem to have plenty of, my friend.