Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ban appeal- __EdwardElric__ - Reason: Advertising

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Lord of Altera
Look.. Arcone*No advertising about other servers, telling players to go to other servers, and most defiantly not telling that that server is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better in RP.
For one- I didn't mean to advertise!!!!Someone asked a question and I answered!I never TOLD them to come, they asked for the information. And the RP is only better because currently it's a compilation of good RPers all in one RP- I'm not saying the RPers on Hollowworld are bad, whatsoever. There's been like 3 RPs on the server so far, jeez.


King of the north!
Locking this. If Cherbert changes his mind, he can post and tell you. Until then, this thread serves no further purpose being open.
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