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Ban appeal: Shalor Mayko

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Loyal Servant of Altera
appearntly I was just banned by altera1(sp?) for black magic? My I ask what dark wizardry am I being accused of for I know that I am innocent.


Lord of Altera
I was watching you since you started just randomly went into someone's mine, dug a little, turned randomly, hit diamond, then broadcasted it out in Caps in OOC. Then, after kicking you, you stated "back to the rulebook", and therefore implying you had not read the ToC or the rules, meaning you were unaware about the xray rule.

I also rechecked your mines with bode, after watching you (with a friend too), it was clearly obvious you were xraying.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye no, I ment back to the rulebook as in the No caps rule. I found the diamonds by deduction. If you follow every were else I dig you would see that I simply find the odd spacing in the mines and dig thier. If you do not belive me foll my trail back. Else wis don't you think I would have more the a hand full of diamons since I've been minning for more then a half hour.

If you like I can take you by step by step of what I did.


Lord of Altera
No, it's been 30-40 mintues since you were mining, you were mining for a matter of 5-10 minutes, in that time you basically just dug a random tunnel in someone elses mine, which, could just be a normal strip mine, yet you suddenly turned, no ores to make you turn, but yet you turn, a few seconds later, you find diamond...

Then, you turn, find another person's mine, and then get all their ores. Also, there was also a bit where there was gold ore and coal behind a stone wall, no normal miner would ever see it, and there was nothing that could've made you dig there unless you had an xray texture pack to help you.

I will post evidence/screenshots when I am on my normal computer.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I detest this implacation and implore you to come with me step by step. I swear by all that is I am doing no such thing. Why on this green earth would I spend so much time and dedication to gaining access simply to throw it away!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Greed, greed for what? Banishment? Nye I say, That would be simply foolishness. Agh, leave it to a dwarf to leave in the mids of a debate.


Loyal Servant of Altera
here are a few screenshots for you;
first one here is the entrance

second one here is a split the part i am looking down lead straight to the diamonds


3rd one a pic of the diamonds broken


4th stone wall was here and there was coal and gold behinde it theres no way you could have know this


5th theres some of the coal ore


any questions?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Travel with me and I shall show you the technique in wich I use, I will PROVE with out a reasonible double that I am innocent.


Lord of Altera
Shalor I've mined for days and not once have I found diamonds in 5 minutes or less. Wouldn't no cheat have seen it? Or the anti cheat mod installed on the server? ( forgot what it was)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I can show you as well Iceman, Then I will have proven my innocence to the nobles but to the commoners as well.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I was, I just ran into the other mine and this was a treasure trove of materials. The original hole is mine from yesterday.


Lord of Altera
Look, Sidgen's posted some/most of the evidence. I watched you mine. There is no way, NO WAY, you could be that lucky, and just mine straight into diamonds. Then, you turn off again, and find the gold ore, which, to a normal miner, would be INVISIBLE, meaning it was behind a stone wall, there was nothing there to make you want to dig there, yet, you found the gold ore behind the stone wall. I watched you mine it. I watched you pause digging in that short, short straight line to then look around, to your left, and then dig a little furthermore, finding that gold ore hidden between 2 stone walls.
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