Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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"bluewaves" Application for whitelist [Approved - Squidziod]


About You!

1. What is your Minecraft username?
My ingame name is "bluewaves."

2. How old are you?
As of now, I am 14 years old. Born on March 14th.

3. What country are you from?
United States.

4. Have you read the King's Law, Tome of Citizenship, Official Lore, and the Survival Guides yet?
I have.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is a strategy where the player uses knowledge that they know, but their character should not thus breaking the RP.
Having imaginary guards/followers/friends that protect or give information to you is a form of power-gaming (And Meta-gaming in some cases)

Powergaming includes powerphrases, for example *The mage fired a spell at (name)'s flesh, burning a hole through him instantly* is a powerphrase, it takes away all the other player's options. Another example of power-gaming includes having followers that protect and/or provide you with information.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Name one of our current Mentors.

8. Tell us about yourself!
About me.. Well, my name is Sam and I love everything fantasy and medieval. I am an avid Elder Scrolls player, and love the lore. I love gaming in general as well, and have a remarkable amount of time spent in numerous games. The reason I can here is because The Elder Scrolls games lore has run a bit dry for me, and now I am seeking out something more. Anyhow, I love lo-fi music, for example Emancipator. I play the piano and have been playing for about 4 years. I also have a cat named Liz we adopted from a shelter when she was but a wee kitten, and she is very precious to everyone in my family.

9. Do you have any examples of your work?
Sadly, no, but I am writing my own lore and will be done soon(TM).

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
No, I found this server while searching through Planet Minecraft.
About Your Character!

Character Name:
Sadoaron Lyldalm

Character Age:

Character Race:
Silver Elf (noble, highly ranking in the caste system)

Skin: Very pale white.
Eyes: Stunning silver, with flecks of silver in the colored area.
Weight: 164 pounds
Height: 6'8"
Hair: Well-trimmed, grey hair. Kept very tidy.
Body features: Very skinny with near perfect skin, kept safe from the dangers of the outside world by his parents. He has near perfect skin, except for a single scar from hip to mid-thigh.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Am planing to make a skin.

Written Test!
Sadoaron Lyldalm - a Silver Elf born in the city of Ostmotte. Fortunate to be born to a high-ranking family, Sadoaron lived a privileged childhood, but without a mother whom died in child birth giving birth to Sadoaron. He was given flowing, magnificent, brilliant blue robes lined with blackened gray silk, and buttons made of the rarest gold in all of Altera from his loving father.

His father is a merchant, a Silver Elf with a silver tongue, he could convince nearly anyone to buy anything. Sadoaron's father, Ildodrus, loves his only child with a passion. He has taught Sadoaron how to ride on horseback, to wield a dagger, and more importantly how to manipulate with mere words. Ildodrus's passion soon became teaching his son to learn from everything, and taught him how to read at the ripe age of two. Ildodrus follows both the teachings of Silas and Jax.

Devout followers of Silas, the library was a favorite for the family. He and his father would go on weekly outings to the library. Although his father was raising Sadoaron to become a skilled trader like him, Sadoaron loved reading epics of great heroes and their journeys through the vast world of Altera. At age five, his reading skills were equivalent to that of a 30 year old. He was a prodigy.

Every night after his father went to sleep, Sadoaron would practice with a stick as a sword, practicing parries, lunges, any maneuver he had a vague idea of. One night while he was doing his routine, Ildodrus heard some noises and found Sadoaron practicing.

Sadoaron was ashamed, but his father was not. On his fifth birthday Sadoaron was gifted a very fine dagger. An iron dagger was a perfect gift!

Sadoaron embraced his father, the happiest he had been in his entire life, and was ready to learn how to use it. His father knew Sadoaron's intent - to become a great hero, one whose quest is to be remembered and to purge the world of evil. Ildodrus wished to teach his son to be well-prepared for anything that would come to him for he did not wish for his son to die. Ildodrus began training Sadoaron at twenty-nine, and he learned much more quickly than anticipated. After only a year of training, Sadoaron was ready. Although Ildodrus feared one thing, and that is that Sadoaron will lose the way of Silas and become a follower of Crusade. But nonetheless, he will still love Sadoaron.

By the time that Sadoaron reached thirty, he was ready to begin his quest. But where to begin? This is to be determined...
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
You have a very good start on your application, but I am afraid there are still a few things. Firstly, you need to provide a definition for 'power gaming' as it is separate from your well defined 'meta gaming.' Next, a few things about your character that need either changing, or some general consideration:
  • Please keep the sclera and irises lore friendly. No white streaks, only silver flecks.
  • Silver Elves mature at around age 30, so 18 is quite young
  • The dagger should not be made from pure gold. Only sapphires please, otherwise it becomes too valuable to start with. Also, please not that ornate weapons like bejeweled daggers are not effective weapons.
  • Please make sure that your character is no better than novice level for all skills. This includes fighting, riding, and manipulation.
Give those things a run through, and post here when you've finished your amendments. Thank you!
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Your definition of 'power gaming' doesn't quite hit the mark, and you haven't adressed the story/character issues I mentioned. Have a look at those, and then let me know once you're satisfied. I'll take another look then!


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Your 'power gaming' definition still doesn't quite get to where it needs to be. Please clearly read through Roleplay guide again-- you should get a better idea of what 'power gaming' is after that.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Congratulations, bluewaves!

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay on Hollowworld. Before logging on, make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our world, Altera. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two or ask one of our Mentors for help if you have any questions about how things work.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, and if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later. (These are very useful, by the way.)
Survival Guide
Tome of Citizenship
Commands Guide
How to create your character profile
Town Census
Server Rules
Using Titles ingame
Rules for Roleplay
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for them.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.