Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling all Alterans for a state of Emergency!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well... Gibbles I have to say this is RP and I have even been Rping in the conversation although I did actually speak with the council. Now, this seems to be going off topic so
*Rerail* Can the Bandits explain their reason of attack?

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Wrayh it was allready said the bandits attacked as an act of self defence when the HR citicense didn't pay the protection money but chose to attack them instead (did that make sence? im not sure to be honest)

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
We didn't know they where coming here as RP I logged in and told that bandits had come, attacked and looted us. I had no idea what soever that it was RP and neither did Everlegend

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
Well we where told that jsar and someone else came into the town and attacked us earlier today, do you have anything to say for that?


Loyal Servant of Altera
So wait.. the bandits are HR's hired protection and the citizens were turned on only after they refused to pay for the bandits protection?