Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling all Alterans for a state of Emergency!


Loyal Servant of Altera
lol I never attacked HR that was royo.. Im to sick to play mc atm... so Aint been raiding in a longgggg time


Bandit Overlord
*laughs in the shadows and mutters* I wonder what town will be next for a little bandit visit, for their sake i hope they pay up. *throws a dart at The Altera Map* Ahaaa this town shouldn't give those bandits any trouble :mad:


The Arbiter of the Gods
Seems like you guys have an emergency. I personally don't really mind the bandits but you lot... I'd prepare for them if I was you.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I hope whatever town is attacked next does pay.. Nothing is ever worth death..


Lord of Altera
Just know that all wounded can be treated in Witches Brew. I'll be there to help you.


Bandit Overlord
Oh, a visit would be nice! I'll make sure I have some tea ready for when they'll come and I'll ask miss Alaila to bake some cake.
She does make a mighty fine crunchy Apple cake,(secret ingredient: golden apples) Alaila is a lady who knows how to handle the bandits feed em till they can't walk :D


Sparkly purple member of the team
Then i hope for your sake it isnt witches brew that gets paid a visit :eek:
Do you *want* a poisoned wedding cake?

Witches Brew is a peaceful town, on blessed grounds, with no army whatsoever... except the witch.
If bandits show up demanding money, they will be ignored and shown to the baths instead.
If they insist or threaten people, the "witch" will cast a spell that will make all the nice people of WB pretend they are villagers seeking remedy for flatulence problems.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
That is an amazing idea Alail!
Since we do not have magic, I will make sure to have some rotten meat added to the soldiers rations. That should keep the bandits at bay...