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Children's Books For Grown-Ups


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I wasn't really sure what to name this thread, so I've used a fairly basic title. Sorry. Then again, it's pretty much what the thread's regarding, so no worries there.

Have you read any children's books recently? Those seemingly aimed towards the younger, but with themes only the older can understand? For example; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

From afar, this seems like a story about a little girl who goes on a magical adventure (and meets a rather handsome cat) . I've read it recently, and I've found that the themes involved are much more than mentioned or supposed.

When Alice is continuously changing size, she becomes distressed. Why is that? One may think it is involved with the changes undergone in puberty.

That's an example.

Have you read any children's book's recently and noticed themes invisible to the eye of the young and innocent?
The story was originally told to a child he knew and then written down. You may or may not remember similarstories being made up for you as a child by people


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
It's funny - as young children my brother and I often badgered our mum for stories, and she usually started them about a brother and sister sharing our names. My brother used to be really happy to hear stories about his imagined little adventures, but I never wanted to hear stories with me in them, because I found them dull. I'm fairly certain the infantile thought process went something like: A girl named Sophie who had a little brother named Jake? That's rubbish, bring on the dragons.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
It is a book about love.
Even if you eat loads and you are obese, you can still come out like a butterfly... its whats inside that counts, but you can change how you look with effort!

I don't have any idea what I meant by that, either.


Lord of Altera
I remember having that book in cardboard.

(like hardback, but it's completely card and not just the back)


Lord of Altera
I cant remember the name of the book but when I re-read it recently I was just thinking "What the hell is this guy doing putting stuff like this in a little kids book?"