Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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chippy720 application [Approved - fencible]


1. Your Minecraft username:
2. Your real name:
3. Age:
4. Gender:
5. Country:
6. Have you read the tome of citizenship?
Yes I have7. How do you feel about the 'role-play' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience role-playing?
I have had experience role-playing, Runescape World of war craft and you may count minecraft itself. (not many people do though)
8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
I am a 16 year old male called Joseph/Joe and love to share what knowledge I have. I’m currently outgoing my sixth form year some of my previous GCSE choices used to be English, Electronics and separate- sciences. I really enjoy getting to meet new people and most people think of me as a really social person and ‘a pleasant surprise’. I am in the army cadets, if you are unsure by what that is, it’s on Google =) not to be rude at all, it’s just hard to explain. I only do what is necessary when it is necessary.I enjoy Minecraft, medieval warfare, role play and running across fields. I feel that I am very creative and like experimenting on all sorts of different things. I mostly enjoy just getting to know every one really well.
I have two pets, one cat called Midnight and one dog called Beau. When I move out of my house I want a Great Dane and call it Buck .The Great Dane is one of the largest breeds of dog, many reaching as much as 140 pounds and 7 feet long. While Great Danes are very large dogs they are often some of the gentlest dogs out there. (Pointless, however interesting info.) I love the thought of waking up with a big 140 pound dog lying on you, after all Great Danes are lap dogs. =D
no images sorry
10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
Nothing really

11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray, xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
I would never do anything like it!
12. How did you find out about our server?
13. Have you voted for us?

I have.


King ForumStalker
Could you add a bit more to part 8 please? We want to get to know you more as a person before you jump straight into the community.


Welcome to Altera!!!

Most players when they log on want to jump in and get established/build before they do anything else. In Hollow World players must first find a town before they can build. You may join a town by asking the mayor or assistant mayor to add you. You can view all the information about a town by typing /town [townname].

Please visit these links. The first will help you choose a town, and the second has a lot of useful information.