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Darkend_kyro Pvp Temp ban appeal

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The Anime loving Brony
When I temp banned you, I was told that you pvp'd with the "Bandits" earlier in the second attack, but I said I'd let you off you didn't PvP again, however, 5 minutes later, you killed Ploot. I asked him whether it was consenting or not, and he said no. VanGarrett also messaged me asking if this was perm, and for how long. I asked him about the situation, but he just seemed confused as to the whole thing.
If another mod want's to unban him, be my guest. I don't mind either way whether he's unbanned early or not


King of the north!
i wish someone would just unban him since no-ones coming here to contest him and it sounds like a giant misunderstanding.
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