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Dead & The Protarians ban?

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Bandit Overlord
So is this temp of for good, cause i feel rather cheated, and i feel sorry for the people involved. I am sorry for what we did but it was for a good reason, i just went at it the wrong way. I know now that i needed permission to attack . Anyone got a answer or say in the matter?


I dont know dude. Im really worried I mean I know dead that we went at it the wrong way but I didnt know it would lead to this! :'( I heard its for a day but im still kind of shocked :(


I moved your thread to ban topic, You posted in wrong topic.


Bandit Overlord
Me to eric, oh well friend we will see, hopefully they will see we arent bad people we are honestly sorry for what has happned.


Okay dude. Im just a little shocked. Alot more comments are coming this way I bet and are gunna say alot of things I dont want to see. :(


Remember, Kaies is our grumpy. Don't kill them without agrees the war with other towns.

Treeajay has been banned too early after joined the server first time.


Yes Cubey. I didnt really do much but either way I was involved and Im truly sorry. I feel ashamed.......... *sniffle*


Bandit Overlord
I know friend if they just go to Protaras and see what we have contributed to this server they will see how loyal and sorry for what we have done.


Hollows Explorer
you are a good guy deadpress, but you got yourself and town members into some big trouble :/ i would hate to see this permanent, but without rules there is chaos. just like what i saw happen :(
plus you killed kaies. the grumpy tea drinker. bad idea for anyone lol.
and i DEFINITELY heard that his tea spilled.


ermmmmm soooo his tea needs replacing? ummmmm okay I guess. Doesnt anyone drink coffee these days? :\


Bandit Overlord
Thanks for the kind words darth i truly hope its not forever....If i was to get back on i would show i was sorry to kaise however he would like me to :D


King ForumStalker
Guys, you should all now that PvP is only allowed once permission is gained AND it is for roleplay purposes. I believe it was an accident but that doesn't mean you should get off scot free. A day or two temp ban if it was me but it's Kaies's choice, not mine.


Grand Lizard
I still haven't got my items back, im lucky i only just placed a load of diamonds in a chest...


Kaies I didnt take your stuff but please know that we are so sorry and swear to god that this wont happen again. I think tree or somebody else had your items but as he was delievering it to you he got banned right before he could get there. Either way im going to take responsibility and be honest.


Bandit Overlord
Kaise we will replace anything you lost and more, just please allow us back we have learnt our lesson (well i have) sorry.


I have too . I didnt completely know the rules on the server yet since it was my first day. Im sorry it will not happen again. Kaies I have your items. I was going to give you them, but I got banned before I could give you them. I hope you understand, Thanks.
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