Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Diablo 3 - anyone tried it?


Real life redstone crafter
Then play Torchlight like me :p I want Diablo III but i have like no money left, im saving up for Saints Row: The Third, and in July im gonna buy Max payne 3.
SR3, that's another game worthy of buying. Have played it for hours only to come to the conclusion that I've been only playing the side-quests! :)


Real life redstone crafter
Anyone got the staff for Whimsyshire yet? I do :)

Pony rainbow care bear flower power for the win!

Edit: Grrr... And this time the P word is not even related to the little ones!


Lord of Altera
I actually played the first 2 games! :eek:
Dont have money atm for Diablo... Need to decide... Donate for Radiant or buy Diablo...tough choice :oops:
PS: My dad is awesome and cool cos he plays video games and has like over 1000 games :eek: But he is cool :cool:


Loyal Servant of Altera
I have played them all

Funny thing that they that maked D 1 and 2 DID not make diablo 3 ... so an score from 1-10 Diablo gets an 3 .. sorry but its not the same


i tried Diablo 3 and i like it. But do anyone remember diablo 2 it like was dume when you were teleported into space. It was so wrong. And it ruined the whole game and story :(


Loyal Servant of Altera
I got diablo 3. I played the game for more then 60 hours. got 1 lvl 60 demon hunter. and 2 low level monks. :p pretty awesome game. Having a lot of fun with it.