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Doesnt know why he got banned

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True Bandit
How are we supposed to trust your word? While. You have lots of people saying you stole from them and got jailed for it, whereas we only have your word against it. You also have several moderators saying you tried to steal from them. All it would take is for a moderater to show hawk eye evidence for your supposed truth to crumble if it is a lie. So rather than saying it wasn't you, if it was say that, say sorry, and leave. Hollowworld has no need for non-rp theives.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Yes, Thommo we know if your lying; because Hawkeye sure doesnt.

Deleted member 61

That wasn't me
Hawkeye dosen't get anything wrong, if it said you did it, you did it.

Edit: Reapings post didn't load before I posted that :3 So yeah, hawkeye dosen't make mistakes... ever.

Deleted member 61

Also, should this thread not be locked? The ban stands according to previous posts.
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