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Active Eala Nym


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Updated Event log.

- Left her sister's grove to go sell pelts in Tambry
- Met Themis at the Crossroads and befriended him almost immediately.
- Met the Packman who tried to get her and Themis to gather honey for him in the Sorrows
- Put up a notice that she was looking for temporary work
- Met the Fuvurs at the Crossroads who offered her a job hunting in Riseport.
- Eala and Themis traveled south to the Fuvurian Jungles
- Eala befriended Aryus and frequently helped him get around, as he had a bum leg at the time.
- First hunting trip into the jungle. Killed some peccaries. Aryus attacked by Jaguar and Eala kills it. Aewin and Sif come in to aid. Paid 300 for the hunt, pelts, and meat.
- Finds out that Evelyn died. Didn't know her all that well, but was still saddened for the Fuvurs for their loss.
- Scolds Themis for his desire for Skraag's Undeath.
- Riseport is under threat of attack. She doesn't feel that she's ready to die for the place, since she just came for temporary work. Takes shelter in the Crossroads till she feels safe to
- Felt that it was time to head home to be with her family. Eala gave Aryus the key to her house and left.

- Some years later, her coin ran out and she traveled South once again.
- Sold some more pelts in Tambry.
- Returned to Riseport
- Meets Ansgar
- Discovers that Aryus had been severely injured and begins helping him back to health, as she had once before.
- Learns that Evelyn has returned to the land of the living after five years
- Finds Themis hanging around Riseport once more. Still finds him amiable as ever, if a bit more quirky than she remembered.

- Spends a great deal of effort trying to ignore Aryus's flirtations because she knows she won't be in Riseport forever, and because he's the Lord's son.
- Keeps a vigil over a woman who lost her leg due to a snake bite. Uncertain if she'll live or die, at first.
- Finally gives in and admits her affection for Aryus. That becomes more of a thing at that point.
- Frequent archery practice on Riseport's Docks
- Is unsettled by something and hears stories of Hushmen at the Crossroads.
- Goes on a hunt with Aryus, Sileveth, and Themis. Bag some birds for arrow fletching. Spooked by eerie fog.
- Horrified, concerned, and worried when Evelyn nearly kills Ansgar in a "spar"
- Meets Athryl
- Is teased by a mystical light. SPOOKED by all the spookiness and annoyed that it wouldn't let anyone but her see it.
- Somehow, somewhere on along the way, befriended Evelyn.
- Meets Dalinar/Light
- Lowkey moves into Aryus's manor. He doesn't want to live alone and she doesn't either.
- Accompanies Athryl, Aryus, and Victor into the jungle for a scholarly expedition. She is on edge the whole time due to the fog and a near run in with a jaguar.
- Athryl smashes poison on his face...
- Riseport is alert due to folks being lured into the jungle by the sound of a baby crying.
- Goes to some sort of Ranger recruitment out of curiosity and discovers it's Evelyn doing the recruiting.
- Suddenly SWARMED by bats after most everyone else left. Scratched and bitten. Has to get them off of Aryus. He's heavily injured by super abnormally large and vicious bats. Her face is scratched up.
- Returns to Riseport just in time to see her employers BEHEAD her oldest friend. Shocked and sickened. Confused. Opts to tend to her and Aryus's wounds and not think about it the rest of the night.
- Begins to feel ill. Tickle in the back of her throat turning into a cough.
- Illness grows worse. Fevers. Coughing. Chills. Chest pains. Three days of it before it finally eases.

-At some point, Jason moves into the manor with Evelyn, Aryus, and Eala.
- Aryus's half-sister appears. Eala watches Aryus struggle with knowing the girl exists.
- Tzemik asks Eala to train her to get stronger.
- The jungle has grown quiet, except for an unsettling screeching. Nwalme pays her and Aryus to search the perimeter of the jungle.
- Riseport is attacked by savages! In the chaos, one of the savages finds his way into the manor. Eala is knocked out when she goes to investigate and taken prisoner. The tribal savage cuts unknown markings into her wrists and takes her deep into the jungle to a cave. She comes to an manages to escape the Moor, but in doing so, found herself trapped on the other side of a chasm with spiders. The Moor left with the torch, leaving her in a pitch black crawl space and fighting spiders off that managed to find their way in.
- Rescue party! Evelyn injured. Nwalme abandons everyone. Eala's let gets numb and paralyzed and needs support to escape. Aryus eventually throws her over his shoulder. Everyone lives to fight another day.
- Aryus grows paranoid and diligently keeps every door and window locked in the manor, afraid something will happen again.
- Eala and Aryus rarely leave the manor. Eala does not say such, but she's comforted and feels safe.
- Eala hears about the Eyes of Silas ship sinking.
- Begins worrying that her lover is becoming too withdrawn. Isn't sure how to help him, other than just being there for him.
- Tzemik, Evelyn, Aryus, and Eala hear Nylarii screaming from the jungle. Aryus warns them its just the babe crying all over again. Evelyn takes no chances and blindly goes. Eala is aware of hte posibility. Grabs Aryus's bow and goes after them. Tells Tzemik to stay back and stay safe. She's knows there's a chance it's a trap, but she's also not willing to risk Nylarii's life. Evelyn is lost for a bit before Aryus and Eala see a jaguar rush by. They all leave the jungle unharmed and confirmed that Nylarii had never been there.
- Nylarii's twins are born and Eala is utterly smitten by their baby faces.

- Eala meets Cymic who offers to gamble with her. Stakes are hallucinogenic berries. Cymic won't say what they are at first and starts asking if she's a Fuvur. Eala doesn't trust him. Doesn't gamble and tells Nylarii, Nwalme, and Aryus he might be up to something.
- Aryus goes and finds Cymic in the Crossroads and gets into a fiht. When Eala finds out, less than pleased by the state of his face. But also mildly amused and is able to laugh about it.
- Sees Themis returned at the inn. She panics and walks away. Seeing Nwalme standing in his blood all over again was too much. Themis keeps after her and Eala begs him to leave Riseport. Tells him to leave and not ask questions. In her mind, Themis leaving was her way of keeping Themis safe, and keeping Themis from doing something stupid to Nwalme again.
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
*dust dust*
hello old friend. Don't know what Imma do with you yet, but you're coming back to the playing field.