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Lord of Altera
-Cathédrale Blanche, Sunderday, 28th of Mistset, 2259

The Man silently enters the sanctified halls of the holy grounds, deeply thinking. Only his muffled footsteps can be heard echoing through the saint Ecclesia Cathedralis. as he almost ceremonially makes his way towards the holy altar sitting at the very center of his dynasty's entire work, the man straightens his posture and the manner in which he holds a tome that could make rise or destroy decades of belief, blind faith and empires that succeeded each-other. No, it cannot all have been for nothing, all those years spent, he tells himself!~. Now, at the tip of what seems to be the most threatening hour of his faith and perhaps his entire terrestrial life, the man stand silent, deeply pondering over the words said, and actions taken...

-''Will you not stand by me to kill our Lord's murderer?!'', The other man said.
-''The Sun Lives on...''

The Man would lower his sight towards the tome at the though of those words pronounced a short while before. The Lord is too strong, immortal, he cannot just be -gone-, the man though. Saying the opposite would be heretical, and would be turning faith from the unending Sun. Even if He, in His greatest wisdom, ascended to an even greater form, would it not still be an holy gift as to give your soul to him? To lend your arm to bear his standard, to lend your Faith and strengh for the Sun's Crusade, to Burn, Purge and exterminate all that would stand in His way, such is the way of Redemption. The Sun has turned his sight from us once again, testing us, disdainful of the lack of faith we hold in Him. The Prophecy would be the center of all of his work, the man though... And no longer would he leave others to care about works that they cannot achieve, only himself should hold the highest offices, with the fall of the Magisterium.

Such were the Man's thoughts, as he slowly opened the tome once again, and slowly read the Prophecy contained within once again. Those were the words of the Sun, he knew it, the words of all that is holy, and what is destined to rule the entire mortal world. the Man now understood, understood why his Lord disappeared. He knew from the bottom of his heart the the Sun was waiting for the moment where the world would be his to rule, where the fire and the light would reign supreme over anything else. From that moment, the Man knew he would have to quite radically act to bring Faith to Altera, or die and be removed trying. After slowly standing back up, the man turned around, hiding the tome under his cloak, and walking towards the exit of the Cathedral. Not long after, posters could be seen in key locations of Haven, with scriptures written in Lavoyarde going as this:

''By order of the ruler, King-Magister Thorius, worship of all deities in the holy realm is to be outlawed at the exception of the Sun and his Angeli, Sun's luck, Sun's Knowledge and Sun's Craft, Jax, Silas and Korog''
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Lord of Altera
A Vision from the Heavens

Silent they stood, looking at each-other, faiths colliding and wills unbound. The two men, those of Ecclesia and Regium, standing over the abyss and fighting over what could be the rebirth of a glorious Imperium, the quest for Justice remade, or what could be the fall into darkness of an Odyssey. Vigilant they were, holding in their hands the fate of perhaps thousand of Faithful brothers and sisters, those that would follow the Sun to the Nether if He deemed it necessary. So were the Champion and the Griffin, both ever more righteous in their acts, both deeply disagreeing with eachother. At the tallest height of the Castle, they argued, foolishly overlooking His will, one wanting endless retribution above all, the other seeking personal advancement. As the embers of one of the Artefacts flew, yet fiery but torn apart, both of the men had their sanctified blades drawn out, ready to defend to death and oblivion their faiths.

Then, at the height of the day, on noon, the Sun stopped its holy course.

''Let this madness... end''

A single whisper, yet not of mortal nature, could be hear through the skies, atop the holy fortress and the lowest of alleys alike. We had dishonored the Sun's might once more, but in His greatest wisdom, decided to give us a sign of his Holy presence. As the men raised their heads towards the shining sphere, an elemental of pure heat and light flew from the highest reaches, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The being slowly descended upon the men, a sanctified sight. As it slowly approached the platform, its true identity could be recognized, as nothing else then the old Harateth himself.

One of the men fell to his knees, while the other one looked at the apparition with utter surprise. The being, was still the Sun God in soul, but had somewhat... changed. It was more fiery, and while weakened, seemed to regain more and more strength. Eventually, the Griffin asked; ''Sun, what do you wish of us?'' and was answered with orders truly worth of holy worship, as the Sun consumed one of the Relics to prove his holy might. As the Sun spoke, the man would touch the Tome he held next to his heart, the Prophecy that would usher His return on Altera. At the bottom of his soul, the man always knew the Sun would not die, and was near immortal, as his Faithful on the mortal world were Legions. As a verse of the Prophecy stated...:

''I will return... I will bring Light...''

As the Phoenix of Light began fading away, his last orders could be heard... ''Prepare for the day... March on a Crusade for the Sun'' . And so, as the last glimmers of fire slowly dissipated, a last, quick whisper could be heard.

''Ignis... Synnova''
The Faithful turned, and soon, the Griffin spoke;

''Praise Ignis! Let us crusade to the fields of valor and war for our Lord! Stand into the Light, brothers and sisters!''

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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Hon hon hon!


Lord of Altera