Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Farewell Hollowworld


Carolus Rex
I have decided after much deliberation that it is best for me to move from Hollowworld to greener pastures, as I have much coming up in the way of life. At the moment I will be starting my Swedish Education and moving to Sweden to join there Army, So im afraid this is Farewell and Goodbye.

I hope to see this Server Prosper and Flourish.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
You will be one missed gentleman, James. It truly is a loss, as far as I'm concerned. Good luck with your education, as well as the army. And don't forget to message me, or I'll find you in whatever backwater hole of a place you may be located in, and proceed to stomp the snot out of you. Teehee.

Asi ~ :heart:

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Have a good life James, i hope to meet you again one day far off in the future on the plains of Altera, keep us in your heart, and know you are forever in ours.


Roleplay keeper
Wahaaa *waterfall of tears* T-T *hugs James, and blow noose in clothes*
*dries tears away* I'll defently miss you :( Good luck James :D And fare thee well!


Official Alteran
Farewell, James. I'm really sorry I didn't have much time to get to know you before you had to drop the Goodbye Bomb. :( I'm sure we would've become good friends. Good luck in Sweden and in the army. God bless you, and may you serve your country well. *Salutes* Farewell, my friend. May we meet again someday.


Hylian Thing
JAMES! Dude, I'm gonna miss you. Good luck over there and have fun with the epic planes! Don't forget the girls... We've had this discussion... Enough said. Guess I'll have to find someone else to pick on Bellon's wizards with. :) Sorry I didn't finish that one skin. XD Anyways, Have a great time.

Highway man -> Possessed follower of Kilrox -> Vampire Pirate Captain thing -> Vampire thing :p

I'll miss you.

Remember this? :)

This is like the third time I've edited this.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Farewell James, hope your education goes well, and, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't die in the army.
And remember if you ever feel down:
Don't worry, about a thing, cos every little thing, gonna be alright!
Hope to see you on Hollowworld again, maybe, just for a bit :)
Farewell! I will miss you very much :(
~ Mario M


Lord of Altera
Oi! Get yer vampiry butt back 'ere now yer blood drinkin' scallywag!

Seriously, have a nice life mate ;) Good luck in the future, you'll definitely be missed. Farewell :'(


Lord of Altera
I want a like too :oops:
Farewell James who i never met but heard a lot about! May your life be epik and hopefully Sally-Free! PS: Dont xray :3I love my invisible texts


Lord of Altera
Bye James :] even tho we only Rpd Once it was fun :3 you'll be missed by everyone :)

I want a like too :oops:
Farewell James who i never met but heard a lot about! May your life be epik and hopefully Sally-Free! PS: Dont xray :3I love my invisible texts
I can see your invisabuble text!