Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Farewell Hollowworld


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Good luck James, I would say don't get shot but someone else already did... Who will be the first Vyre now that your gone?

If it looks like I'm not very sad, its because I'm trying not to cry.


Magus of Nothing
First Vyre Jak Will step in to spill blood in the name of Kilrox!(As long as most of it is spillied into my mouth)


Carolus Rex
In response to Royos question either Mälmo or Stockholm depends which relatives are ready to house me, and spaces question Im not sure as minimum service is 5-10 year and if I'm deployed it will be longer


Lord of Altera
Good luck in the army James, Shoot dem bad guys!

I will miss you most of all, *cries into his shirt and leaves a trail of snot connecting his nose to James' shirt*


Legend of Altera
*tears up* its hard to see people leave such an amazing serve and its glorious community (not including the bandits) you will be missed James i will erect a shrine in your honor and i hope you have a good life and enjoy the rest of your years *sits on chair with wooden Cain by his side and cry for the loss of someone great* fare the well James fare the well


Lord of Altera
Good Luck James, Only RP'ed with you a few times but they were awesome times, Good Luck and Fare thee well, Safe Travels


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
The army will probably give you standard issue weaponry, but if you can get ur hands on an XM8 or TAR-10. Who knows, might even get one that i built :p

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
*Sobs* But... but.. Why?! I hope that one day in the (Not to far away I hope) future you will have the time to come back to Altera *Fights tears* but till then I do not like to say good bye but take it as a see you again :) *Hugs as he bursts into tears*