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Floating trees

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Although that may have consequences for building with logs if you want to remove one block...


Grand Lizard
tree chop has a way of figuring out if its a house or not, something like player placed blocks i think.


Zalenfal Guardian
I don't really think it's a good idea to get the automatic wood cutter thinig, mostly because you get a lot of wood for such little effort that wood would become worthless and just generally be way too easy to get hold of.


Grand Lizard
Its not that big off an issue, wood is quite expensive, This should help to bring down the prices. The pros out weigh the cons, it quicker to cut trees, no floating trees, more wood.


Grand Lizard
Thats pretty much perfect, not sure what bukkit version it is. Also it only records it with logblock and we use HawkEye.
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