Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Gear Town] Skiadro

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Lord of Altera
In character name: Andrew Wallins
Username: sadko12345
Rp age and race: 21, and human
Why do you want to join: Because this place is pretty unique, Andrew Loves science and is Professor Engem's friend, and i want to support it.
How active are you: Quite active, in fact i am almost on every day.
Anything else?: Andrew actually met duncan once, he and a group of other people were mining in the hollows.

Yes but you'd have to work for Goldengem25


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Also, if you need a head Alchemist/Doctor, I'm yer man. El may love hurting people but he likes to fix them too.



Lord of Altera
In character name : Bolbar Steeltink (Character Profile coming sooon)
Username: Seth_Jenkins (For now, will be getting an alt for this character)
RP age and race: 45 and Dwarven
Why you want to join the town: A Tinkerer, better known as a new character coming soon, needs a town and I like your concept and I won't mind helping building and I just like the whole thing
How active are you: Very
Anything else you'd like to add: Hey Duncan, how's it going?


Lord of Altera
In character name : Bolbar Steeltink (Character Profile coming sooon)
Username: Seth_Jenkins (For now, will be getting an alt for this character)
RP age and race: 45 and Dwarven
Why you want to join the town: A Tinkerer, better known as a new character coming soon, needs a town and I like your concept and I won't mind helping building and I just like the whole thing
How active are you: Very
Anything else you'd like to add: Hey Duncan, how's it going?
Accepted, glad to have you onboard seth.


Lord of Altera
I realised I should probably make a new one, for the other character.

In character name : Berrit Downfellow
Username: spagbog
RP age and race: 27 and Halfling.
Why you want to join the town: OOC o_Q RPHe needs a place to settle.
How active are you: Active
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