Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ghostkid's application [Declined - Paint]


1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from?
united states

4. Have you read the King's Law, Tome of Citizenship, Official Lore, and the Survival Guides yet?

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
metagaming is basically when you do things that are not reasonably applicable or are out of character in the roleplay, and powergaming is when you force an action on another character.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Tell us about yourself!
i'm sensitive and i like plants. i also really love ghosts. i'm a musician and you can ask me just about anything about music theory. i'm not amazingly proficient at any instruments, but i am in the auditioned vocal ensemble at my school (about 12 members). also, undertale. i swear i'm not one of the fandom that runs around and screams all the time like the endgame homestuck fandom... i used to dream of being a writer as a job, but i'm more for songs than bookwriting. i have the attention span of a fruitfly, so writing novels was really always out of the question. if you show me a picture of a bird i will scream and we will probably be friends.

8. Do you have any examples of your work?
...i guess i'm an artist but most of the stuff i have is on my phone, so i'd rather post it on my profile or something later... i'll put a link to one of my songs on noteflight at the bottom maybe...

9. Did anyone refer you?
go give damascus a cookie or something because he convinced me to join (and he's buying like $70 worth of donator rank stuff)
About Your Character!

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Race:
Lighthoof? Caparii (reverse)

the upper half of their body is mostly goatlike, with horizontal barred pupils, yellow irises, and thin, backward facing horns of a little over 2 inches. their face rounds into a snout, their ears are long, soft, and floppy, and their arms are covered in the course hair often found on the lower half of lighthoof caparii. their legs, however, retain a more humanoid shape, and the hair on them, while maybe somewhat more coarse than an average human's, is much lighter than most caparii. while they still have cloven hooves, the hoof extends somewhat farther than digitigrade hooves generally do, and their leg's structure is far more similar to a plantigrade's. the hair around their hoof begins just above the ankle and is easily covered by a shoe. as what is assumed to be a lighthoof, they are small in stature, and their bovine face confuses anyone who tries to determine their sex. their hair is a light russet in sunlight to dirty blonde, and while lighter hair is generally considered blessed, they are considered cursed because of their "deformed" face.

Written Test!
"My dear, it isn't your face. You're not a kid anymore, and I feel it's time you went off into the world, found your calling."

Flaxseed just nodded. While they were still capable of fairly normal speech, it was a strain for them and they preferred to simply use gestures to express their opinion where they could. Although it was harder to read their eyes, being that of a bovine creature, even their rather unsympathetic mother could see the sadness in them.

"You're years older than Pinesap was when she left," their father cut in.

They looked down to the dirt floor of their many-years' home, feeling guilty. They could still see him, but it was the action that mattered.

"You know it's time. Come on, Flaxseed, let us help you pack some provisions."

Flaxseed sighed. ...It didn't really matter, anyway. They knew all of the people in their village and they knew that nearly all of them saw their face as a "deformity." While they realized that elsewhere might not be friendlier, they might as well give it a shot, especially since their younger sister had already left town and their parents were more than eager to send them out into the world, out of their house, out of the village.

It was probably for the best, and while Flaxseed knew this, they couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness as they packed a small amount of vegetables into the satchel their mother had provided. Their parents were hardly abusive, but they could always feel their being a disappointment. There was always a sense that they were the second-favorite. So after packing a little food, some water, a bit of money, and their favorite wooden bird (one they had carved themself), they left.

It was cathartic, being free of that village, in its sadness. They could hear birds in the trees, and they could feel the sun on their back. Being in nature was calming, and being free of the opinions of the villagepeople was more than liberating. They let their voice come out joyfully. It wavered and sung and they let the melody create itself as they walked. Before it started, the moment was over, and they sighed. Where would they go? Where would a town have room for a caparii, especially a "cursed" and "ugly" caparii like Flaxseed? Not knowing quite where they were going, but doing their best to maintain a positive outlook, they began their trek into the outside world and away from the quiet village life they had always known.
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Heya, and thanks for your interest in HollowWorld~

I was going over your applicance and I noticed quite a bit and a noticed a few issues concerning the appearance and details of your Caparii, I'd ask you go over the Caparii lore and fix as needed (Also, go over what people have suggested on your character profile.)

The Caparii lore is here;


I have gone over the lore (and what's been said on the profile.) I reread the lore just in case - I know what caparii generally look like, and the character I've created here is disabled. They have a genetic mutation that causes them to be somewhat disfigured as well as infertile and I think (still on the fence about it) intersex. They do have hands, they do have hooved feet (cloved even!) and they are upright. I'm totally willing to edit things, but if you get rid of the whole disability then it defeats the purpose of the character. I spent hours on this, doing my best to make it as biologically correct and lorecentric as possible. I'm not opposed to changing some things but if I can't have them be at least the same concept I'd rather get rid of the character than mar it by changing its essence.


also i am aware that the story piece may be somewhat inaccurate to the social structure of caparii but i realized that after it was written and didn't want to have to rewrite the whole thing since i felt like it represented my writing well


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I've seen the application... Wasn't misleading. "Reverse Caparii" is what you describe (humanoid legs and all), and we simply do not have that in the lore. You may have tried to make it as realistic as you could, but birth defects of that nature need to go through a lore approval process first, regardless. Caparii aren't literally half goats that can sometimes get their wires crossed. They're a distinct race that just happens to have a confirmation resembling the lower half of a goat and a humanoid upper half.

I understand that you feel your character doesn't work without the full set of defects you've written in, so perhaps it would be better to apply using a different character, and get a feel for our lore before trying to push the boundaries of it. Outside of this issue, I rather enjoyed your writing, and think you would have no problem coming up with a more lore-adherent character. :)


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
This application has been denied due to inactivity, If you still have interest in the server you're welcome to come back and apply again.
