Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Gremlock's Whitelist Application [ Approved - Mara ]


Loyal Servant of Altera
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username:

Age: 20

Country & Timezone: UTC +1 / Sweden

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is taking knowledge aqcuired out of character and using it in character like speaking in a vc with others then taking said knowledge into roleplay even tho their character has no reason to know said information. Powergaming is a term that refers to when someone roleplays their character as an unstoppable force without faults or flaws. For example dodging all hits and being the best at everything.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: I'm Gremlock a Swedish guy who have roleplayed on different platforms for 7+ years. I'm one of the dwarf players from a different community who jumped ship. I'm a nerdy guy who plays old Total war games like Rome 1 and also bfme. I dm my own homebrew dnd campaign and have read many fantasy works so I'm quite familiar with these settings. I have many times dreamed about making my own fantasy novel but never got far due to my lack of focus and struggling with finishing a work.

Referral: DigiHeero and the the new dwarf community.


{Character Section}
Character Name:
Grelu Irgard

Age: 73

Race: Dwarf

Appearance: Grelu is a quite a stout dwarf in his prime days. He has blue eyes and brown hair like all other Irgards before him. He is a cyclops as he got an arrow shot into his left eye, the eye is still there but not functional as of now. He covers it mostly up with an eyepatch and too many who don't know he looks like a intimidating fellow due to how rugged he is and his mannerism.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: screenshot-1676737638996.pngscreenshot-1676739726448.png

Written Test (Min: 400 words):

Grelu Irgard is the last known descendant of Greldyn Irgard who formed a rich and powerful household which later on mysteriously declined. As it stands Grelu has been through much in his life he has fought countless battles to protect himself and his kin. He lost his eye while fighting bandits, due to this he looks quite rugged and rough. Grelu is now committed to not only his people but his wife as well, he hopes that one day they can together rebuild the house of Greldyn back to former glory. Grelu is what most dwarfs strive to be but he is tragic at heart. He has fought with the trauma when he lost his eye and just wishes to settle down with his wife to become a father he always wanted to be.

Greldyn built a strong household through being a good craftsman and a good political figure. He married off his children to influential figures and secured alliances with other households. The Irgards after Greldyn continued the dedication to empowering their status within past dwarven communties. The line of Greldyn is strong, the male line goes as follows: Greldyn, Gnelden son of Greldyn, Greln son of Gnelden, Grelden son of Greln and lastly but not least Grelu son of Grelden.

Irgards believe strongly in the God of Korog as they are proud of their name and claim to have a great heritage and line. Honest, good working and dutiful are all values of Irgards. The Irgard customs reflect their dedication to Korog; they value dutiful honesty. This household was known for great smiths, masons, miners and warriors. To them the hammer and sword were not so different from one another as both were a craft of dedication and mastery. One of stone and metal while the other was of metal and flesh. Burial and marriages reflected their patron God. Irgard burials were done through cremating the body and while the body burned the flames would heat a forge from said forge a statue alike to the buried would be made so that the spirit could pass on but the legacy and honor of the deceased would bless the craft for eternity. When Grelu was wed he was wed with chain and lock binding himself to his bride for an entire day as Greldyn had dishonored his name by sleeping with another woman on his wedding night. Gnelden on his wedding day chained himself together with his bride to show his dedication to his bride and to this day this custom has stuck around.
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Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
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