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HollowNews-Issue 1

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Lord of Altera
Hey guys/gals, here is the first issue. Click the link below to download the file.

We hope that this can expand into a fully developed and large part of hollowworld, so please consider that this is only the first and star of what we wish to be many. Please tell us your thoughts/comments!



Loyal Servant of Altera
Very nice! I loved this! Keep it up friends and this might become something more


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yes, I just finished reading it and its great! This is a great way to keep up to date with hollowworld. Keep it up Hollownews!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
My favourite part was the Towny Town. I mean just the shear thought of it made me buzz!! Not that I was involved in any way writing it, of course....... :D
No, I liked all of it. I really enjoyed the jokes section, thanks to Arkkaine (think I spelt it right), and naughty MICHAEL!!!! Tsk Tsk Tsk......


Loyal Servant of Altera
My favourite part was the Towny Town. I mean just the shear thought of it made me buzz!! Not that I was involved in any way writing it, of course....... :D
No, I liked all of it. I really enjoyed the jokes section, thanks to Arkkaine (think I spelt it right), and naughty MICHAEL!!!! Tsk Tsk Tsk......
You know thats what inspired me to write the post I did on Digitus Dei's census entry :)


Real life redstone crafter
Great start of a (bi)weekly (?) newspaper! Here are a few suggestions.

- Let some people proof read it. It has lots and lots of spelling mistakes. (Not that I am very good at English, but it could be better :))
- Pictures! When your talking about a town, place some pictures of the stuff you're writing about
- Credits. Come on. You deserve it! (With a picture off course ;))

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Great start of a (bi)weekly (?) newspaper! Here are a few suggestions.

- Let some people proof read it. It has lots and lots of spelling mistakes. (Not that I am very good at English, but it could be better :))
- Pictures! When your talking about a town, place some pictures of the stuff you're writing about
- Credits. Come on. You deserve it! (With a picture off course ;))
Well Matiyo and JustShadow are the proof readers......
I let Ninja Tang use the pic how he wanted, I gave him a few


Lord of Altera
Great start of a (bi)weekly (?) newspaper! Here are a few suggestions.

- Let some people proof read it. It has lots and lots of spelling mistakes. (Not that I am very good at English, but it could be better :))
- Pictures! When your talking about a town, place some pictures of the stuff you're writing about
- Credits. Come on. You deserve it! (With a picture off course ;))
Thanks for the feedback! The only trouble of this week's was it was written by myself and mario wrote the towny town. Hopefully as more issues are published we will have a fully active team who can post articles on time XD

Credits-I was going to put them in, but unfortunately my Minecraft has a bug which blackens out all players,mobs,signs etc, and so pictures of people would be black steves.

Pictures will be added much more in future ;)

Proof Reader for this issue was Spellcheck, I had too much to do elsewhere this week, but now I'm back into my routine I can spend more time on this. (Spelling errors have also been edited out :p )

I will continue to post up seperate threads for the reporters on what I want them to write (I did for this week's issue, however, unfortunately the reporters failed to check it.

As you should know, the HollowNews will be published on every Sunday from now on, and, please, any ACTIVE players on forums who wish to help write up articles and such can PM me.

Tantara, at the moment last week's issue consisted of me and mariom, plus martinko's article on the Blind foundation. I hope that more people can contribute to this as I think this could become a really good and succesful part of the server.

Also, Thanks to Cubey for the brilliant picture of her on an Enderdragon :)

Lastly, thanks to all who gave feedback, it's much appreciated, and I hope that you continue to enjoy the HollowNews!
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