Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The original mute
... i wasn't saying it was bad... why does everybody misinterpret what i'm saying? *goes and cries in a corner of a cricle*


The original mute
*wipes tears away* ok, so guess we'll need stories i'll go and get my touch type tutor out and have a practice. :D


The Anime loving Brony
I am saying it's bad. I'm going to delete every one of them if you continue doing it. It's basically spam, and i'm fed-up seeing it to be honest Frankie.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
We shall start (If everyone's available on the first week back after New Year i. Sunday 1st, and the first edition will be published on Sunday 8th.
Ill start my Towny Town (need to come up with a more catchy name..hmmmm) when I get back on Hollowworld otherwise I will forget or something like that :D


Lord of Altera
Guys, keep on topic please. 13thSun, feel free to PM a interesting story when we start, and I'll hand it over to the reporters :D
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