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HollowTubeGaming - HW Themed YouTube Channel - Application Thread

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Lord of Altera
So, as many of you may be aware, recently, several of us HWers started up a YouTube channel. This is a community run channel, created and managed by us HW players. Several players have expressed an interest to join the team, and so here we have a thread where anyone who wants to join, can apply, and go under consideration.

You can check out the channel for yourself: >>>Here<<<

(Note: Just because you apply, does NOT mean you will be accepted, applying means your willingness to join will be taken into consideration, and discussed among us.)

List Of Current Members: (In alphabetic order. >_>)

-Akari (TheDarkFool)
-Jinx (PheNiiXGhOsT)

(If you wish to be taken off the official roster, or wish to leave the team, just make a post in the on going conversation that you will be invited to once you are a member.)

Application Format: (You will not be considered at all without the correct format.)
Name you wish to be known by:
Minecraft Username:
Summoner Name:
YouTube Channel (If you have one):

Times you can be online (This will help us stay organized):

Do you have a mic:

Why do you think we should let you on the team? (Meaning what can you offer, and bring to this team?):

What genre of games would you say you feel most comfortable playing?:

Do you have any video editing experience?:

What games do you play? (This can be any game, preferably multi-player games, also, only list games that you would be happy recording, and posting up on the channel):

Do you feel comfortable recording in groups? Or do you prefer solo recording?:

and finally...

Is there anything else you'd like to share with us that has not been covered in any of the above sections?:

(Minecraft and LoL are primarily listed as these are two definite games we'll be recording.)
(Please note: All persons found to be irresponsible will be kicked from the team regardless of your position on it. As well, failure to maintain a constant stream of media will result in warnings, thereby followed with a kick from the team. By applying to be on the team, you acknowledge that you know this, and will try your best to be a respectable, and responsible member of the team, as well as cooperate with EVERY member of the team, regardless of your personal views. Also, if you do not maintain a good standing with the community, then you will either A. Not be allowed on the team to begin with, or B. You will be kicked off the team. As though this is not server related, it does reflect upon the server, as such we'd like to maintain a positive position. We are a team for a reason, and you are expected to know this.)

The entire above application template MUST be posted and filled out, we will watch for effort, or a lack of. So please, take your time! ^-^
Also note, your application may not be replied to instantly, it will be discussed by the entire team before we decide.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Name you wish to be known by:
Roopotletwolzle (roopot)

Minecraft Username:

Summoner Name:

YouTube Channel (If you have one):

Times you can be online (This will help us stay organized):

Do you have a mic:

Why do you think we should let you on the team? (Meaning what can you offer, and bring to this team?):
I can add agedish experiance to the team.

What genre of games would you say you feel most comfortable playing?:

Do you have any video editing experience?:

What games do you play? (This can be any game, preferably multi-player games):
Tribes, AoE 1-3 + Online and Mythology, DC Universe Online, Mount and Blades, Black & Whites, TF2, Stongholds, Halflifes, Killing Floor, Total wars, Civ4, Terraria, Dawn of Wars, Counter Strike, Anno 2070 and 1404, lots others

Do you feel comfortable recording in groups? Or do you prefer solo recording?:
Prefer group. Not done much solo but can if needs be.

and finally...

Is there anything else you'd like to share with us that has not been covered in any of the above sections?:
go to uni so certain. times may be difficult

edit: also Im the recorder and editor of the hollowcast


Zalenfal Guardian
I would like to help and be a part of the team, but the part about having a "constant stream of media" is something I would almost certainly not be able to do. If you'd take into consideration someone that would post occasional content, then I shall make an application; otherwise, I shall bid you farewell :)
I would like to help and be a part of the team, but the part about having a "constant stream of media" is something I would almost certainly not be able to do. If you'd take into consideration someone that would post occasional content, then I shall make an application; otherwise, I shall bid you farewell :)
This is easy to do if you record for an hour and cut it up. (like mine and itzza's pokemon lets play) If you record for an hour or two you could easily cut it up into parts of 6 :)


Lord of Altera

Your application is a bit lacking in the detail department, also, I don't think you quite realize that this isn't a server sponsored/promotional channel, this is created and managed by the community, our team is comprised of members of this community and is in no other way connected to the server. We're giving you a chance to revise your application, try to be more descriptive, particularly in what you can bring to this team. We've got organization covered. ;)


King ForumStalker
It's not connected but it's called Hollow Tube? ;)
Yeah, Hollowworld is the link that pulls us all together, so it seemed appropriate to include it in the title. Of course we are connected, but not affiliated, if that makes sense.


Lord of Altera
What we mean by that, Lars, is that this is here for the people of the community that want to participate. However it is not there for promotion of the server, or other such events.


Zalenfal Guardian
This is easy to do if you record for an hour and cut it up. (like mine and itzza's pokemon lets play) If you record for an hour or two you could easily cut it up into parts of 6 :)
I know, but I say this because on top of the fact that I'm currently buried under exams, I have other commitments too - one of which is my own YouTube channel. Then there's Hollowworld itself, there's actual life to keep track of... So that's why I say I wouldn't be producing very much content :p


Lord of Altera
I would make an application but I don't have a mic, I may be buying one though in like September :/


Lord of Altera

Your application is a bit lacking in the detail department, also, I don't think you quite realize that this isn't a server sponsored/promotional channel, this is created and managed by the community, our team is comprised of members of this community and is in no other way connected to the server. We're giving you a chance to revise your application, try to be more descriptive, particularly in what you can bring to this team. We've got organization covered. ;)
Removed the application, I will not participate.


Lord of Altera
Conmaster, after consulting the team, it's been decided that you can apply, and put forth what you have, and what you can bring to the team, but as far as we can see, you'll be mostly limited to coming up with ideas. Who knows, you may surprise us.
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