Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I hate da pinkys


Lord of Altera
Da pinkys are to much. De got all da powers but note anymore. If ueza been mistweeted by de pinkys go on no fadder. Deez de weason all of aterwa is ignorant, cause de mean, greedy, and selfish. Join da anti human army today!

Application to join;
Preference of what position you want:
PM me your alias

list of people:
Keaton Dar



Lord of Altera

Name(RP): Grok
Age: 20
Height: 6 foot 7
Weight: 200 pounds or 14 Stones
Strength: Malee
Weakness: Magic
Fears: Heights
Race: Orc
Specialties: Malee combat
Preference of what position you want: I AM LEADER
PM me your alias


I think I might like it here
As a half human my human side takes offense at the thought of all humans waging war on orcs, and asking a human to join the orc side is like asking an orc that doesn't wage war on humans to fight orcs.


Lord of Altera
Name(RP): Keaton Dar
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
Strength: Melee, and Magic
Weakness: ranged.
Fears: Extreme darkness, being overtaken by Chaos.
Race: Human
Specialties: enchanting, and basic potion brewery.
what position you want: a Human supporter of the Greens, willing to smuggle enchanted weapons and potions.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name(RP): Bewpy
Age: Ageless
Height: -
Weight: -
Strength: Water, Mermaid magic, Bows
Weakness: Land, fishing poles
Fears: Land, fisherman
Race: Mermaid
Specialties: Potions, Bows
Preference of what position you want: Destroyer of Mortals
PM me your alias


Lord of Altera
Name(RP): Keaton Dar
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
Strength: Melee, and Magic
Weakness: ranged.
Fears: Extreme darkness, being overtaken by Chaos.
Race: Human
Specialties: enchanting, and basic potion brewery.
what position you want: a Human supporter of the Greens, willing to smuggle enchanted weapons and potions.
Accepted, meet me online for your first mission, smuggler!


Lord of Altera
Name(RP): Bewpy
Age: Ageless
Height: -
Weight: -
Strength: Water, Mermaid magic, Bows
Weakness: Land, fishing poles
Fears: Land, fisherman
Race: Mermaid
Specialties: Potions, Bows
Preference of what position you want: Destroyer of Mortals
PM me your alias
Accepted, meet me online for your first mission, Destroyer of mortals!


The Anime loving Brony
Hmm, I am not sure which side to take...
Or whether I should just cause Chaos on both Sides... You know what I'll join this one, as two people I like to kill are on the other side.
Name(RP): Shadow, Dark Mage, "The Chaos Bringer"
Age: Uncountable
Height: 6ft exactly
Weight: -
Strength: Dark Magic, Necromancy, Good Sword and Bow Skills
Weakness: Sunlight weakens my powers, and hampers with my accuracy and strength of swords and Bows
Fears: None
Race: -
Specialties: Assassinations, Causing Chaos
Preference of what position you want: The Chaos Bringer, Bringing Chaos and destruction to whomever gets in my way, be they friend or Foe.


Lord of Altera
Somewhere we can meet covertly?

I have a few unenchanted swords for you, I can't seem to get my table to work right...I think it has some relation to the sudden influx of Chaos from the fight around my hometown.


Lord of Altera
Hmm, I am not sure which side to take...
Or whether I should just cause Chaos on both Sides... You know what I'll join this one, as two people I like to kill are on the other side.
Name(RP): Shadow, Dark Mage, "The Chaos Bringer"
Age: Uncountable
Height: 6ft exactly
Weight: -
Strength: Dark Magic, Necromancy, Good Sword and Bow Skills
Weakness: Sunlight weakens my powers, and hampers with my accuracy and strength of swords and Bows
Fears: None
Race: -
Specialties: Assassinations, Causing Chaos
Preference of what position you want: The Chaos Bringer, Bringing Chaos and destruction to whomever gets in my way, be they friend or Foe.

Accepted, meet me online for your first mission, Dark Mage Of Chao!