Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I hate da pinkys


Hollows Explorer
Name(RP): Keaton Dar
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
Strength: Melee, and Magic
Weakness: ranged.
Fears: Extreme darkness, being overtaken by Chaos.
Race: Human
Specialties: enchanting, and basic potion brewery.
what position you want: a Human supporter of the Greens, willing to smuggle enchanted weapons and potions.
A human wishing to kill all humans? Sounds like a fool to me.


Hollows Explorer
Areed. The thing is, the orcs are weak to our magic apparently. Great opportunity to practice a newer branch of White Magic! Counter-Possession! :p


Hollows Explorer
My particular dialect of the english language is far more proper than yours. If you choose to attack, i will have to respond with violence. Violence that you cannot block with a shield or smite with a sword. Something more.... Magical, than you can only dream of witnessing.


Lord of Altera
My particular dialect of the english language is far more proper than yours. If you choose to attack, i will have to respond with violence. Violence that you cannot block with a shield or smite with a sword. Something more.... Magical, than you can only dream of witnessing.
Youza obseetly dont knowz da kind a sword meeza be uzin...........


Lord of Altera
supplying weaponry of high caliber doesn't necessitate wanting all humans to be destroyed...only most...two thirds at best.

even then as long as I am not part of the most, or two-thirds considering I am supplying them with something they want then I am good.


Hollows Explorer
Not good "even affiliation with the wrongdoers is considered evil." "seeing evil, and doing nothing about it, is equally evil."


Lord of Altera
Evil, good. All in the eye of the beholder, and this beholder sees the highest profit margin as the greatest good.


Hollows Explorer
Only a greedy fool would say this. i am arguing for no reason, because you have already been corrupted. Hopefully the Orcs find a good use for you, because if you dont belong.. You are killed...


Lord of Altera
Good, The useless don't deserve to live anyway.

and besides, I am not corrupt, you just disagree with my ideology. Wars are always the best for the arms dealers.


Hollows Explorer
We will see. I hope not, though. There are bigger threats in Altera that i wish to attend to. We could get along, but you still choose to be ignorant..