Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~I threw it on the ground


Lord of Altera
Basil's Top Tip: Shut up and enjoy the ale. If I ask you to do anything, do it.

BLarg's Top Tip: Do what Basil says if you plan to RP around the Lamb and don't want to lose any limbs.
I don't do what you say, and I had all my limbs last time I checked.

Axell's Top Tip: If you don't have anything nice to say, say the thing that isn't nice. Then join The Blades of Ailkyr.

EDIT: In fact, I never do anything you say.


Lord of Altera
Markus's pro tip: Obey the members of House Groothart, they're superior to anyone.

Mark's pro tip: Don't confuse IC with OOC, if you manage that, you'll be fine.