Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[IC Wanted Poster] Scardrac Dormus


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
You know if Altera put half the effort into actually hunting down Scar as we did putting up or taking down his wanted poster he'd probably be caught already..... just a thought. xD


Lord of Altera
You know if Altera put half the effort into actually hunting down Scar as we did putting up or taking down his wanted poster he'd probably be caught already..... just a thought. xD
This returns to my first comment on this thread; you're all simply too scared of Scar to actually confront him! :p
I'd do it, but Arthorius and Scardrac have had complex relationships in the past.


Coffee Enthusiast
You know, instead of tearing down and burning postteeerss, why not have some fun and draw silly mustaches on the pictures of people?