Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Inactive] Viktor Sylvain


Lord of Altera
ah yes yes yes she is!
I uh,
am not sure if Viktor's entirely active just yet.
i want to do more with him.


Lord of Altera
I just got informed that the one character I felt obligated to play with as Viktor is about to be permadead.

there's no real reason left to keep him around anymore, but I don't want to just kill him off with all his wasted potential.

feel a bit depressed.

@Bob_the_BuilderPet @Sir Andrew Wallins


Lord of Altera
Aellana Senatoor @BrianAT16 : she really doesn't know what she's getting into, and she is truly not aware of the fate her birthright has given her... but no matter. it won't be long before she stops being sickened at the sight of blood...
I was deleting outdated relations and cleaning up and had to get rid of this but

Its... So humorous. Knowing what happened to "Aellana," and who I ended up playing.
I don't know if its ironic or fitting.