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Kam's Art Thread (PG-13)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
YEAHHH! I'm totally going to add this to the horror island page after I use a cheap program to color it with your permission? xD
You okay with that? ^
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
I'm making an art thread. Here it is. This is it. Yep. Here, have some drawings!~
View attachment 77944
It's a Grant.
View attachment 77945
It's a Kam carrying a Cymic.
View attachment 77946
This one I drew to show what an Earthspawn eye would look like, 'cause describing them can be kinda confusing, and all that jazz about pictures saying a thousand words and what not. If it's wanted/cannon enough, it is more than free to be used on the Earthspawn Lore page.

Did this need to be made? No. Did I spend too much time on it? Yes. Am I going to change anything? No. Horror Island was really fun tho. ._. Also what do these savages even look like? idk.

SirLuamTehDoge Lirakitty Sir Saltington Zenrak Cymic_ Bakaling MorbidGabby Piratep00f
This...omg the tears of joy! I love this!


Lord of Altera
I'm making an art thread. Here it is. This is it. Yep. Here, have some drawings!~
View attachment 77944
It's a Grant.
View attachment 77945
It's a Kam carrying a Cymic.
View attachment 77946
This one I drew to show what an Earthspawn eye would look like, 'cause describing them can be kinda confusing, and all that jazz about pictures saying a thousand words and what not. If it's wanted/cannon enough, it is more than free to be used on the Earthspawn Lore page.

Did this need to be made? No. Did I spend too much time on it? Yes. Am I going to change anything? No. Horror Island was really fun tho. ._. Also what do these savages even look like? idk.

SirLuamTehDoge Lirakitty Sir Saltington Zenrak Cymic_ Bakaling MorbidGabby Piratep00f
Oh my god I love this so much


The Green One
Retired Staff
Since I was too late to get Elz to do a pin-up, I did it myself.

I apologize to anyone who was not prepared to see this, but I regret nothing.
It's up in a former claim.


Lord of Altera
I'm making an art thread. Here it is. This is it. Yep. Here, have some drawings!~
View attachment 77944
It's a Grant.
View attachment 77945
It's a Kam carrying a Cymic.
View attachment 77946
This one I drew to show what an Earthspawn eye would look like, 'cause describing them can be kinda confusing, and all that jazz about pictures saying a thousand words and what not. If it's wanted/cannon enough, it is more than free to be used on the Earthspawn Lore page.

Did this need to be made? No. Did I spend too much time on it? Yes. Am I going to change anything? No. Horror Island was really fun tho. ._. Also what do these savages even look like? idk.

SirLuamTehDoge Lirakitty Sir Saltington Zenrak Cymic_ Bakaling MorbidGabby Piratep00f


The Green One
Retired Staff